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First draft

Omen was holding her up, preventing her from falling, but Dia knew that feeling. She was out of juice.

"Damn it! You are about to pass out." Omen cursed, "You need the Spice, don't you?"

He always looked so composed, sure of himself, but he seemed flustered now.

"My...pocket" She croaked, "Adre...naline... stimu...lants."

Only when Omen found the pill and she swallowed it, Dia started feeling a bit better. Actually, more than a bit. The regular stuff was strong enough, but apparently, the Umbra's modification increased the effect several times.

"Thanks, but..." She scrutinized him, "how did you find me?"

Omen barely looked at her. All of a sudden, he seemed distant, his expression closing up, "I'm just lucky I guess."

Dia frowned and was about to ask another question when Omen pulled the gas mask off and handed it to her.

She raised an eyebrow, and he explained, "You've been out for too long."

"What about you?"

Omen pressed his lips together, "Just take it."

She opened her mouth to refuse, but Omen had already started walking, "Let's go. We are not safe yet."

Dia had no choice but to follow him. Omen seemed to know the Undercity well and thanks to him that they were able to leave the east side of the city safely. They went south, but it was only when the went they left downtown that Dia relaxed a bit. The mechs were few, spread thin, and it wasn't hard to avoid them.

However, contrary to her expectations, the situation didn't improve. It became worse.

Granted, there were less dead bodies, but it was chaos in the streets. Dia saw gangs and common citizens looting houses and shops, stocking up on food, water, and medical supplies. Strangely, many of the Umbra's men were wandering in the area, but none of them was trying to restore order. Dia stopped when she saw some of them running inside some sort of warehouse.

"What are they doing?"

Omen looked grim, "The Umbra is covering his tracks."

Dia stiffened, Gibson's words ringing in her head, "Covering his tracks?"

Omen glanced at the building, "Wait and see."

Less than a minute later, the Umbra's men ran out of the warehouse like the devil himself was chasing them. Dia gave Omen a puzzled look, and she was about to ask more questions when the entire building exploded. She crouched down and closed her eyes, covering her head with her hands as the flames rose high in the sky, engulfing the entire building. When she reopened them, only blackened debris was left.

"That was a clearinghouse." Omen explained, staring at smoke rising from the building without blinking, "The Umbra's couriers used it as a base to sell the Spice in the slums."

"The Spice? Is that why the mechs are here? Or is it..." me?

Omen started at her intently. She had the bad feeling he knew exactly what she'd meant to say, "I don't know for sure, but this looks a lot like a contingency plan."

Dia swallowed, "First Gibson and now the Umbra. Both of them have dealings with the Collective."

Omen looked surprised, "How do you know about that?"

"I overheard Reyes talking with that bitch..." Her face darkened when she thought about Suzanne, "Suzanne, I mean."

Omen titled his head, pinning her with his eyes, "Overheard?"

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