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Erika's Pov:

I wake up and see Jake over me and Matt at the edge of the bed screaming " GET OFF OF HER!!" I'm so confused at this point and start to cry over them yelling at each other.

"GET THE HELL OUT OR IM CALLING THE COPS!!!" Matt screams. Jake looked at me and gets off of me and leaves. I start crying and put my hands into my head.

M: Awe baby it's ok. It's ok. I'm here.

He walks over and sites in the bed with me I sit in his lap and he pulls me close. I sat on there crying for a few minutes till I look up and he is staring me down.

M: Your so beautiful baby.

He lays me down and starts kissing my neck. I put my hand on his chest making an effort to push him off, but I'm so weak and drunk I can't.

M: It's ok baby.


I try screaming but he puts his hand over my mouth and restrains my arms. I kept fighting and fighting and he kept continuing. I don't want this, we've never had sex before. I've never had sex before.

I keep fighting and fighting but he won't stop.
I soon become so weak I become unconscious.
Little did I know I wouldn't remember a thing the next day.

10 am Next Day

I woke up with a massive hangover, running immediately to the bathroom puking till there was nothing left in me. I slowly got up and there was a sharp pain in my stomach and I fell back to my knees. I cried in pain as I held my stomach. I crawled over to the cabinet and grabbed so ibuprofen. I took 3 and drank some water from the faucet. I crawl back to bed and I open my covers and see blood everywhere. I then look down at my legs and see blood covering them. I become so light headed, I faint on the floor next to my bed.

Tessa's Pov

I got home around 11 am from spending the night at my parents house. It was my sisters 18th birthday so I surprised her and stayed the night with her. She was so happy. I haven't spoken to Erika since I left. I hope the date went well.

I walk into the apartment and grabbed a glass of water then I walked to my room passing by Erika's room. Before making my way to my room I see Erika's foot sticking out of the other side of the bed on the floor.I run to her dropping and shattering the glass cup in my hand.


Her legs are covered in blood and so were the sheets on her bed. She looks pale and so weak. I checked her pulse and she is still alive but barely.

I run to the kitchen, grab my phone and call 911. I run back to her and lay her in my lap and cry.

T: Erika please wake up *crying*

A few minutes later the paramedics come in the room and put her on a stretcher. They pump air through her lungs because she is barely breathing. I cry and cry. I soon see Matt pull up and he runs to me.

M: She'll be ok baby T  *hugs*

We drove to the hospital behind the ambulance. The whole time Matt's holding my hand which is weird.

We finally get there and they put her in a room and they use the cardiac defibrillator to try and shock her awake. The first time she doesn't  wake up but her body jumps in the air. The second time her body's jumps and she wakes up gasping for air then goes back hyperventilating. I rush to her side.

E: What... What happened??

T: Erika *hugs her*

M: Oh my gosh Erika

Erika's Pov

M: Oh my gosh baby

E: I don't want to talk to you

M: Wait why?

E: Because you stood me up last night, and put me in this mess!!! *screams*

Doctor: D

D: Mrs. Costell, it is vital that you remain calm, we will remove him.

They took Matt away and I cried. Tessa just held me and calmed me down.

T: Do you remember anything?

E: Um... I remember waking up on the couch, and drinking a lot. Nothing else. I don't remember anything.

Just then a tall, familiar blonde walks in.

Song: 8 Letters- Why Don't We

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