Chapter 52

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Carmen~ I opened my eyes today seeing two lovely green eyes and a smile. "Morning Love." He smiled stroking my cheek. "Morning." I smiled back. After a moment we got up. Yesterday was great. We didn't do anything but just talk. We talked about each other, problems, and what made us, well us. After I got dressed in a baby blue sweater with clouds with white jeans and shoes. I put on jewlery and curled my hair. "Smile." He said happily and took a picture of us. We both smiled. "Here with the most beautiful girl in the world." He smiled and grabbed my hands and kissed my lips softly. "Should I come back later?" Selena laughed. "No I was just leaving." Harry said pecking my lips and leaving. "Let's do this!" I said leaving with Selena to go shopping. We went down the elevator. "Really? I just can't believe." I said unable to think about what she just did. She blushed. "I know." She winked. I laughed and rolled my eyes and the elevator opened. "Girls!" Pedro said happily taking off his shades and hugging us. "PEDRO!" We also said happily hugging him. "Hi girls." Lucy said hugging us. "Hello ladies." Jessy turned to us and hugged us. "Ok we really need your guys help." Selena said biting her lip. "When's the awards?" Lucy asked. "In 4 days." I said shyly. They gasped. "What are we waiting for. Lets go!" Pedro said walking and leading us to the car.

After an hour of searching we couldnt find anything. "Really?" I asked plopping on the bench tired. "There's gotta be something." Selena said tired as me. "No Hun. This won't do." Lucy said thinking. "I got it!" Jesy said grabbing our hands and leading us to a random store. We looked around and he was all glittery and the clothes were cute. Then I saw the dress I wanted. It was a peach creamy color but the top was black with rinstones. I loved it. "This one." I said grabbing it. Selena had fallen in love with a mitt green one which had black webs for the sleeves. It was cute too but this one made me fall in love. "Girl those are cute. Try it on." Pedro said pushing us in the dressing room. We got out twirling. Those 3 were amazed at the dresses. Selena's hugged her body but mine was loose. "Now go get out of it, before the paps get you." Lucy laughed as we changed. We got out cheering that we finally got the dress.

At the hotel in the lobby we were saying our goodbyes. "Bye guys. See you." I said hugging Lucy. "Bye Girls." Pedro waved and left with Lucy, and Jesy. We entered the elevator tired. "Finally." I sighed tired as Selena nodded. We got off. "I'll see tonight." I said leaving to my room. I ran and jumped on my bed. No Harry. I looked around for clues the detective I am and couldn't find nothing. I huffed and grabbed my guitar. I had to write a new song for Simon. I strummed it slowly but couldn't think of anything. I frowned. I need inspiration. My eyes lit up. I'm so smart. I grabbed my guitar and knocked on the door. Niall opened it smiling. "Hey Nialler." I said smiling. "Hey Beautiful." He said hugging me. "Love the guitar." He smiled. "Thanks I was hoping me and you can get song writing." I said holding it up. He smiled showing teeth. We haven't spend some time together and I would like to change that. Like old times. "Of course! You know I like song writing." He laughed letting me in. I got in seeing Ashton trying to catch popcorn into his mouth. The room was clean, but the area around Ashton was dirty. I slightly laughed. "HEY IT'S CARMEN!" He cheered happily. I laughed. "ASHTON!" I cheered and he gave me a hug. "Popcorn." Niall asked holding bag to me. I shook my head. "No thanks." I said. I sat on the next to Niall. "Ok maybe we should write about what you feel or have a problem with now." Niall explained. "I think I want to write with Selena is like a love song because I think all we have written about is Beauty, Like loving yourself, partying, um...break ups so I want to do a least one cause that's kinda what we are feeling." I laughed. He liked he idea but when I said we as in me and Selena are in love he became very sad. "I'm sorry I didn't mean-." I began feeling guilty but he stop me. "It's fine. I need to get over it." He slightly smiled and Ashton patted his back. "That's the spirt." He laughed with Niall. After an hour of song writing we got almost done. "I gotta get ready. See you later." I said hugging Ashton. "BOO!" Ashton pouted and I laughed playing with his hair. "Bye Boo." I said hugging Niall ad kissing his cheek. "Bye Boo." Niall told me hugging back. We call each nicknames. Hehe. I stared at him. "Listen, I'm sorry for not spending much time with you. I want to change that." I slightly frowned. He smiled. "I'd love that. I don't be sorry. We both need to fix that." Niall said hugely hugging me then I left. I opened the door. "HARRY!" I called. "CARMEN!" He yelled hugging me and twirling me. "Where were you?" I laughed. "ME?! I was looking for you. I bought Starbucks before you came home cause I know how you love your Starbucks but when I got home, you weren't here. I called you and you left your phone here and I went to tell Selena and she said you came home. I was freaking out." He said worried. "I was with Niall, and Ashton." I said. "What were you guys doing?" He said jealous. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. "I love how you are so worried." I said smiling. "I just want to protect you." He slightly smiled. "Well I'm here now." I smiled and kissed him softly. We released a sweet moment later. "Good. Because you are not leaving again." He said smiling and picking me up and put me on the bed. I laughed. "Im going to Selena's." I laughed. "Just a few minutes." He laughed as we took those moments playing and kissing. I laughed and got him off. "Later babe." I laughed as I got to the door. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To Selena's to go socialize And we are going." I said grabbing his hand bringing him with me. "Good. Cause I wasn't going to let you go by yourself." He laughed with me heading to Selena's room.

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