Little Gender surprise

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    Harry had gotten up early to to go into the studio, and you were sad that Harry had to miss this special ultrasound of the baby. Today you'd be finding out the gender of the baby and you couldn't be more exited. Both you and Harry discussed that the two of you would find out the gender of the baby so it would give you somewhat of an idea for the nursery. You'd just finished eating breakfast and you were in your closet deciding on what to wear for an appointment. You looked through all of the maternity clothing until you found an outfit that you didn't hate and was comfortable.

You walked downstairs and put on your coat and put in some black heels that you were still able to squeeze your feet into

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You walked downstairs and put on your coat and put in some black heels that you were still able to squeeze your feet into. You got into the car and started driving to the place. Once your name was called you walked back to the room and laid down.

*after the doctors appointment*

You walked into the front door to see that Harry had come home from the studio.
   "Hey babe. How was recording?" You asked.
   "It was good. We're almost done Sign Of The Times. We're thinking it may be the debut single." He replied. "How was the doctors appointment?"
    "Good. I found out the gender of the baby."
     "What is it?!" He said excitedly.
     You passed him the ultra sound pictures and his eyes welled up with tears. He turned to you then back at the ultrasound pics.
     "I - i - is this f - f - for real???" He questioned not believing his eyes.
     "What does it say babe?" You asked him.
     "We're having twin girls!!!!!!" He yelled, gently placing the pics on the coffee table and hugging you with tears falling down his face.

     "We're having twin girls!!!!!!" He yelled, gently placing the pics on the coffee table and hugging you with tears falling down his face

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     You laughed as he was getting really exited and jumping up and down. He got back to you and kneeled down to your stomach and said.
    "Hi my beautiful baby girls. I can't wait to meet the two of you." He kissed your belly and started crying again because he was getting two little girls to take care of.

A/N: If you want, leave some suggestions in the comments :)

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