I saw Bethany walk over to where I was laying on the ground and she helped me stand up, putting my arms around her shoulders to support my weight and keep me upright.Bethany and I walked over to where Bella was parked by a hill. Her truck was red like in the first movie. My sister looked deep in thought so I decided to ask her what was wrong, , Bethany are you okay I asked her snapping her out of her thoughts looking at her with a concerned look on my face. I'm fine Brooklyn she answered me and I nodded as we made our way over to where Bella was standing next to her truck. Are you guys ready to go. Bella asked my sister and I ,my sister looked over at me, are you ready to go get your leg looked at she asked me I nodded. We're ready Bethany answered Bella with a smile and she nodded and got into the drivers side of the car while my sister and I got into the passenger side of the car. She started driving and Bethany looked out the window then she jumped looking as if she forgot something important, Bella what hospital are we taking Brooklyn to? I heard her ask Bella as she gazed out the window, we're taking her to Forks Hospital where my friend's dad works she answered her name is Alice Cullen and she and her family are vampires Bella answered her with a smile on her face. My face brightened at the mention of the Cullen's being vampires is Jacob going to be there, Bethany asked her face brightening at the thought of seeing him in person. I looked at her I thought that you didn't like Twilight I teased. Bella looks at Bethany and I you don't like Twilight Bethany she asked with a confused look on her face why don't you like it, she asked my sister shrugged her shoulders I didn't say that I didn't like it Now I said that I didn't like it then because Brooklyn would always force me to watch it with her after her dates with Logan she said, who's Logan Bella asked her abusive boyfr- I slapped a hand over her mouth silencing her with tears in my eyes. Why would she betray my trust like this , she knows what he's capable of why would she risk it for someone she doesn't know? My mind asked as I had tears streaming down my face I thought she was my sister, we protect each other secrets and all and here she was telling a complete stranger the deepest and darkest secret of mine without a care in the world.A/N: thank you guys so much for being supportive of my writing even if it is trash for my first story on this platform, it means a lot to me that you guys care so much for my writing. Thanks:)

Border of Dawn
FanfictionTwo sisters enter the world of twilight , looking for a way of escape until a certain vampire and werewolf make them think twice.