Chapter 15: Disaster

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The door slams shut and I shut off my laptop. I rush down the stairs, out of my room, and down the stairs and into the foyer to find Ashley's white pumps all muddy and Aaron smirking. Ashley pushes past me as her eyes brim with tears. She runs up to her room and I watch her leave. I turn back to Aaron and scowl.

"What did you do?" I hiss at him.

"We went for a hike, at Mudder's Hill," Aaron smirks.

"And what's at Mudder's Hill?" I ask. I'm new here, so I don't know what this place is.

"A hill that's muddy," he shrugs. He pulls off his gym shoes and places them outside so he doesn't track mud into the house.

"You little twat!" I accuse and I kick him in the shin," Ash was all dressed up and you took her to a mud pit!"

"She wanted a date, she got a date," Aaron shrugs. Ashley and I may not be the best of sisters but I will kill anyone who hurts her in any way. I push Aaron against the wall with my forearm and bring my face extremely close to his. His eyes widen in surprise.

"Listen here, if you ever hurt anyone I know ever again, I will personally lead you to hell," I whisper in a deadly low voice while glare straight at him. I release him and walk up the stairs and up to my room, knowing better than to bother Ashley. I'm already in my pjs from the Netflix marathon so I jump into bed after tying my hair into a bun sort of thing and brushing my teeth. I hear the door open and clench my jaw. I shut my eyes and will myself to fall asleep as Aaron rushes to the bathroom, changes, than comes back.

"I know you aren't asleep," Aaron chuckles as he flicks on the lights.

"And I know you're a jerk," I hiss in response as I flip over to lay on my back. He shurgs and joins me in bed, laying on his back in just boxers. I glare at him as he shifts to look at me.

"I'm sorry about Ashley," he mutters in defeat.

"Well why would you do it in the first place?" I question as I flip to face him. He sighs before answering.

"I didn't want to take her on a date," he grunts as he looks at his hands.

"Then why didn't you just say that you didn't want to?" I respond with a yawn.

"I keep my promises," he yawns. Yawns are contagious.

"Aww, you're so cute," I mock as I pinch his cheeks which are oddly soft. He bolts up and straddles me suddenly.

"I'm a lot of things, but cute isn't one of them," Aaron whispers," now what shall be your punishment?" he ponders. His hands suddenly attack my sides and I scream. Holy fudge I hate being tickled. I thrash from under him as he laughs at my misery. I can't breath. Another round of lughter exits my mouth and I wiggle around to try escaping his evil clutches. 

"Say I'm the hottest guy you've ever met!" Aaron demands over my screams.

"N-o!" I yell back. My eyes cloud with unshed tears. Oh god this hurts. Tickling doesn't make people laugh, it makes people cry.

"Say it!" he demands as his hands poke my sides faster.

"O-k!" I yelp as he pinches my right side. He stops tickling me and looks at me expectantly as I catch my breath.

"You're the hottest guy I've ever met," I rush out in a single breath. It wasn't completely a lie. Shut it Cam! Aaron isn't hot. Holy oreo the tickling has gone to my head, I'm talking to myself.

"If you want to be freed you have to kiss me," Aaron smirks as he leans closer to my face.

"What!? That wasn't part of the deal!" I defend as I try squirming out form beneath him.I flail my arms infront of my face, causing him to pull his head back. He takes one hand Grips both of my wrists, then holds it above my head. He uses the other hand to tickle me again.

"PLEASE NO! AH!" I yell as I thrash around once more.

"Kiss me then," he demands.

"Fine!" I yell. I snap my mouth shut. Did I really just say that? Hopefully he didn't hear it. I come back to reality to see Aaron smirking at me. If only I could slap the smirk, or punch it, maybe even kill it. He leans even closer to me and my eyes widen. Am I actually going to kill the guy that just got back from a date with my twin sister? Before I can answer that question, his lips crash down on mine. Holy fudge, what do I do? He moves his lips against mine as I lay as still as a statue.

"Kiss me back," he grumbles as he pulls away before placing his lips over mine again. I slowly move my lips against his. I feel somehting wet against my bottom lip and push myself away from it and into the bed.

"Cameron, I," Ashley sniffles as she enters my room. She looks up at the position Aaron and I were in and gapes. She gives me a harsh glare before running down the stairs. With a new found strength I pull my hands out of Aaron's grip and push him off of me. I run down the stairs and to Ashley's room. It's locked.

"Ash, let me in," I demand as I knock on her door. I look at the lock. It's a faulty one. I push my finger against it and turn, unlocking the door. I search for Ash and see her face down on her bed, crying into her pillow.

"Go away!" she screams as she chucks one of her many pillows in my direction. I catch it and hold it up to protect myself from the multiple pillows being thrown at me. Once she runs out of ammunition she starts screaming.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM! I HATE YOU!" She yells. I pause. No matter how mad she got at me, she never said she hated me. Not even when I accidentally washed her clothes in with mine and her favorite pink shirt turned into a swirl of colors in eighth grade. 

"I really hate you! I never want to see you again!" she sobs as she turns and digs her face into her materess. I slowly back out of the room and pull on a stoic expression. I close the door and head up to my room. Aaron looks at me in worry but I just keep on a blank stare. I grab my pillow and head back down stairs. I head into my mum's room and crawl into the bed. I head footsteps outside the door and I sit up in excitment, hoping it's Ashley. Aaron walks into the room with a sigh. I pull on a straight face and lay back down, pulling the blanket over myself. If Aaron hadn't been so determined to get me to kiss him, Ashley wouldn't hate me. But It wasn't like I fought my way out. I feel like an idiot. I hate drama and here I am, creating loads of it.

"Come to bed, Cam," Aaron sighs. I stay planted in my mum's bed.

"Don't make me sleep here," Aaron threatens. I ignore him again. He groans before walking to the other side of the bed. I stay straight and refuse to move or flinch. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to him. I don't do anything.

"I'm sorry Camcam," he whispers into my hair. I stay staring straight ahead and sleep soon overcomes me. Aaron will be ignored.


It was extremely awkward for me to write this chapter. First off, I've never been kissed, thus the kissing scene was based off of what most other books are like. And I absolutely hate drama. But a book isn't a book without some drama. So what do you think about Aaron? Should he continue with Ashley or try and win Cameron back? So many questions, so little time.

I can't answer your questions until I get the results from my friends. And I still have to tell them the questions.... Heh.... Please don't hurt me!


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EARLY UPDATE! I'll be going out with the family and cousins tomorrow so I won't be able to update then. But I shall update next week. This weekend will consist of my famliy aunt uncle and cousins all going out to amusement parks and museums since my aunt and uncle as well as my cousins are heading back to Isreal this Monday. I'll miss them. At this point I'm just babbling about my own life, sorry about that.

Ashley is to the side!!==================================================>





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