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(a/n: name @ the top of the chapter means it's in that persons pov)


Being the new kid was unfortunate but I had PE as a first period and I was pretty good at that - to say the least. I've always liked PE, maybe that was why, mainly because it didn't have anything to do with books or a white board. I wandered around the sports hall looking for some things when I heard the sound of a basketball being dribbled.

I peered through the corner, trying to catch no attention and saw a girl who was an average height and her hair was tied up. She looked quite concentrated on the basketball hoop, she made a jog to the halfway line and and started running towards the hoop and landed a perfect lay-up. Even I couldn't do that so I had to find out who the girl was.

I was about to walk over there when I accidentally tripped over a set of hoola hoops and fell straight on my ass and a bottle of badminton shuffles landed directly on my head making me wince. The girl was obviously started by the noise and before I realised, she was jogging over to me panting, "Are you alright?" She asked, grabbing onto my arm and helping me stand up. She looked awfully familiar but nothing rang a bell.

"Ye--yeah, I'm fine. Sorry." I said, trying to balance back on my feet.

"What are you apologising for?" She laughed, wiping her hands on the side of her PE pants.

She had pretty brown eyes and dark brown hair, she was gorgeous and I knew I've seen her before. She bit her lip and that was when it rang a bell.

"You! Its you!" I jumped, causing her to flinch. "The one in the swimming pool! Michael landed on you. I don't know if you remember me but I said something like you were sassy or something and I liked it." Her eyes grew open but she looked terrified. She clamped her hand over her mouth.

"Oh god, this is embarrassing." She said, her cheeks flushed to a rosy - pink, she was adorable.

"No, don't be sorry!" I laughed, pulling her hand away from her mouth. "I'm Calum. Calum Hood. I'm new actually."

"I'm Elizabeth, Elizabeth Tyler that is." Elizabeth laughed, her cheeks still pink."How did you manage to trip over hoola hoops?"

"Oh um," I stuttered, a little embarrassed that was her first impression of me. "I was watching you do a layup- which you mastered by the way like wow a girl who does sports? Fucking amazing. I accidentally stepped back and tripped on the hoola hoop which caused everything including me to fall."

She bit her lip, trying to bite back the laughter which failed miserably because I could practically see it in her face, she looked like a ripe tomato. "Oh god, you saw me play? I must be terrible, I'm sorry your eyes had to see that."

"Don't be embarrassed, you're amazing. Plus, now that we've seen each other in our embarrassing states, I demand we be friends." I teased playfully and she played along.

"Is that so Calum Hood?" Elizabeth asked.

"Damn right it is so." I said confidently.

"Then you could say this is a start of a beautiful friendship." She exclaimed in a very posh tone. "Now come on, everyone's here."

"So you play ball?" I asked as we were dismissed to do whatever sport we liked. It was weird because in Australia we were told to play a sport the teacher had chosen.

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"Nah, sometimes." she shrugged, dribbling the basketball from one hand to the other. She was lazily walking around the sports hall with the ball in her hands so I took the opportunity and snatched it from her.

"You and me, one on one. Let's go Tyler." I challenged, she was surprised at first at my actions but it then turned into a smirk.

"You're on, Hood."

That girl was definitely something. We had been playing for half an hour and she wasn't even tired. She was immune to weakness I swear. For a person who said that they only played 'sometimes', I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed.

After another half an hour of playing, she won. Embarrassed would be an understatement to what I felt and to make matters worse, the score was 36-28. The boys couldn't even beat me, let alone her.

"Had enough yet, Hood?" She teased, trying to snatch the ball from me.

"I let you win." I sneered making her laugh loudly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night princess." Elizabeth nudged my side, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"Shut up Tyler, I was just a bit scruffy today. You owe me."

"Owe you for what exactly? For kicking your ass at basketball?" she asked, walking over to the benches with me trailing behind her our water bottles.

"Thats only because I let you win!" I winked. "You're taking me to go watch Guardians of The Galaxy when it comes out and you're paying for everything."

"It doesn't come out until a few weeks or months, dude." Elizabeth said, handing me my water bottle.

"Exactly. So you better save money because I'm probably going to rape your wallet when it comes out." I said blankly.

"You're such a loser," she scoffed. "C'mon, let's go."

As we were walking back to the changing rooms, we talked about a lot of things, I talked about our band and how the road was and she told me about her swimming and how she normally sneaks into the club around midnight to clear her head which made more sense now - considering what happened - so I told her that we only snuck in because we missed swimming terribly and fans have been following us wherever we went which was great - and privacy invading.


elizabeth's pov.

I was sat down in Chemistry, listening to Mr Peterson talk about ionic compounds and bonds but he stopped when he was interrupted by the door flinging open. Being the ignorant person that I was, I kept doodling into my Chemistry book when I felt a presence next to me, it was a person and he was sitting next to me.

"Hi, I'm Ashton." He chirped, a little too happily. His voice sounded familiar and that was when I looked up to match the voice and the face, I wanted to hide the shock look on my face by plastering a fake smile.

"I'm Elizabeth," I said, sticking my hand out which he simply shook. "Welcome to Chemistry?"

"Oh my god," Ashton laughed lightly. "You're the girl! From the pool!"

My cheeks were burning up again before I chuckled nervously. "Um, yeah. Sorry."

"Score! I actually wanted to see you again and ask if you were okay because we all know Michael is very long figured guy." He said, giggling again. His giggle was one of the most adorable things I've ever heard.

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