Battle Of One

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It looks me up and down

What it sees is grotesque

Unappealing to the eye 

I take the pills

I do the diet but 

That isn't good enough 

Something more needs to happen 

To make me beautiful 

At least that's what it says

But I don't even know anymore

It manages everything I do 

From the amount of food I eat 

And how much I work out 

Every week 

But it still isn't satisfied 

I get to one goal and 

It jumps to the next impossible goal 

Its not humanly possible 

But I make it happen 

Because I am it 

I am the things that doesn't see

The beauty in me 

So I do all these things

To make myself resemble the models I see

on the T.V. and in the magazines 

But I never can achieve that beauty 

No matter how hard I try 

I can only be me 

As my body breaks it self down 

And begins to deteriorate 

I start to understand 

I cant be anyone else 

No matter how much I try 

But then something has died 

Inside of me 

Because of the fact I have to stand up 

And face the fact I have to live being me

Which is something I don't want to see

But you cannot change your self to be anyone but you, 

So I face the facts 

And deal with the impossibilities 

I hope the future me 

Sees that 

I'm beautiful 

No matter what it sees

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