Brian's Pov-
Tonight was our next show. Luckily for us we didn't have to be at the venue till 9:00pm. So in the mean time we all decided to just hang out for a few hours. Nick and I were watching Star Wars: A New Hope, D was sleeping still, Aj was with us, and Kev is on the phone with Vanessa. Soon Kevin joined us. "Hey Brian, Nessa told me that she and Leighanne were hanging out yesterday." "Yeah. Leigh told me that as well. But said Ashley wasn't with them." Aj looked over at us and said, "I might have a theory." We all turned to him, "And what might that be?" Kevin asked. Aj looked around and said, "I think Ash is pregnant." "Wipe that smirk off your face." Kevin said smacking Aj in the back of the head. Nick and I looked at each other and shrugged, "I doubt it." I said, Nick nodded in agreement.D soon joined us, and we had less than a couple hours till we had to get to the venue. "So Leighanne said she went to dinner the other night with Vanessa and Ashley." I said making conversation with Howie. The others had gone to get something to eat. "Cool. How is Leigh?" He asked, "Good." Sighing I began to speak, "Look D, I'm sorry man, but Aj thinks that Ash is pregnant." "Of course he does. She's not." He exclaimed. Soon we heard the door open followed by Nick yelling, "WE GOT PIZZA!!" D and I laughed and then, Aj said "And breadsticks too!" Kevin rolled his eyes and mumbled, "Kids." under his breath. I just let out a small laugh as I patted his shoulder. Each of us grabbed a slice of pizza and some bread sticks, and sat around talking about the tour. As we ate, a knock came at the door, "Come in!" I spoke up taking another bite of my pizza. "Hello fellas." It was our manager, Scott. (I just made that up. Lol). "What's up?" I asked, offering him a slice of pizza, he declined and said, "Just letting you know that you all need to get to the venue 30 minutes earlier." We all looked at him, and then Nick said, "Can we finish our food first." Scott laughed and said, "Yes. The car will be waiting for you. " He then left the room and we finished our food.
After 30 minutes we were being taken to the venue. The drive there was filled with the sound of the radio; Salt-N-Peppa's song, 'Shoop', blasting from the speakers. "Rap isn't my favorite genre of music." I said, Kevin and D shrugged and Aj, said, "Better than Nsync." Nick laughed and said, "That is true." We all laughed a little. We continued riding in the car, listening to the radio, singing along with it as well. "I see the Venue." D said looking out the window, we all looked and saw it too. Soon we heard the screams of thousands of girls, who were awaiting for our arrival. Security quickly ran to the car as well as our body guards, to help get us inside. Rushing us out the car before any fans could trample us, we ran inside. Once we were safely inside we went to our dressing room to get changed into our stage outfits, and be ready for the show in less than 2 hours.
(A/N: I know in some of my chapters I throw a little shade towards Nsync. It is just for entertainment BSB has stated that there is no rivalry between them and Nsync.)

Drama Is All Over The Place
FanfictionI wrote this story awhile ago, but unfortunately it got deleted. Hopefully those who read it will remember the story line and shit. If not I will do a small summary: Basically it takes place in 1997, Howie Dorough and his best friend Ashley have to...