This chapter has of Loki's New Chambermaid part 1 it in, so basically a edited version of my writing. So please read anyways and not skip it, I think this version is better. Enjoy! Please comment and vote.
With lot of love and Loki,
Chapter 2: Working For Loki
The next day, I reported to Prince Loki's chambers for work. Fixing my skirts, I lightly knocked on his chamber doors, the hard iron hurt against my knuckles. Today was the start of a new day of work
"Enter." He beckoned and I slowly opened and closed the door. The Prince was already awake, sitting on one of lounges, his leather claded legs stretched out and a book sat on his lap. He was in regular Asgardian attire, his onyx locks slicked back. Just the same as yesterday.
Prince Loki looked at me with his emerald eyes, a smile spreading on his pink lips.
"Ah, my new chambermaid." Loki said. "My mother tricked me into thinking you were being sent elsewhere but I am surprised I did not see this."
"Would you rather someone else, my Prince?" I asked, my head bowed. He chuckled, I had actually made him chuckle.
"Why would I? I have my little dove to watch now while she helps me." Loki replied. I shudder at the name, and kinda liked it.
Loki stood up and walked over to his study, he glanced at me and beckoned me to follow. Two of my regular strides matched one of Loki's. Loki sat down in the chair at his desk.
"So care to tell me your name since you already know mine, my dear?" Loki raised a thin, black eyebrow at me. He took out a sheet of paper and a pen, and scribbled a list of chores and assignments for me to accomplishment in a neat cursive writing.
"Elizabeth, my lord." I replied swiftly.
"That is a beautiful name for such a beautiful maidan." Loki commented.
"Thank you, my Prince." I smiled. He spun around his chair, his feet inches away me.
"Well then, I am going to tell what is I expect to see then I'll give your chores." He said, his green eyes flickering to meet mine.
"First of all, since it is you and I here, I would rather you address me as Loki not my lord or prince." Loki started to explained, I listened carefully not wanting to displease him in the future. Or get removed, again.
"Secondly, you are my personal maid so you are required to bring me my meals and in the mornings run me a bath." He got out of his chair and circled me like a predator stalking its prey.
"Thirdly, I expect to see all your chores done each day or else you fail." Loki said, his smooth voice darkening. I dared not to look up.
"Fourthly, you are not suppose to interact to the other royals." He stopped behind me, his arm wrapped around my torso. Loki pressed me up against his front, his head bent down to my ear. I stood, stock still, not sure what to do.
"Lastly, if you do well and please your prince I shall reward you, if not-" He chuckled "well you won't be too happy on where you end up next." I took this as his warning, I gulped. I knew what that meant.
"Understood?" Loki whispered in my ear, his cool breath tickling me. I nodded.
"Yes, indeed my Prin-" I started but Loki covered my mouth with his hand, then I realized my mistake. Loki smirked and held me tighter to him.
"You know your mistake, now?" I nodded rapidly. He uncovered my mouth.
"I understand Loki, I am sorry." I said.
"Good job, my dove. Be careful now, you don't want break my rules do you?" He teased.
"No, Loki. I do not wish to upset you." I responded quickly. In truth, I didn't want to upset him. I wanted to show him I could do it. Loki kissed my cheek and slid the sheet of paper he had been writing on earlier in the small pouch of my dress.
"Good luck, Elizabeth."Loki left me to over look the list of chores. Just looking at the list made me wonder how I was going to last.
I went out his study to his bed chamber. Loki had disappeared, so it was quiet. A giant green, gold and black bed was in the middle of the room with varying sizes of pillows. I tugged the sheets, the silk gliding over my finger tips. Once the bed was made, I move to the bathroom, lounge and study. Every a speck of dirt gone.
Right now, Loki's attire was getting washed in laundry hall on the other side of the palace, yet I had to shine his armour. His golden horned helm has taunting me all day, it seemed to fit Loki's personality.
Rolling my eyes,I went out the pallor, a jug of water in my hands. Pots of beautiful flowers that were in full bloom, look amazing and varied colours. I stroked the petals of a white one, I tilted the jug-
"Beautiful aren't they beautiful, my little dove?" I jumped and spun around, nearly spilling water on myself. Loki leaned against the archway, a smirk plastered on his face.
"Loki! You scared me!" I exclaimed, clutching the jug to my chest.
"That was the plan, dove." He said, walking over and reaching to pluck the white flower from it's stem. I watch him do this. His other hand clasped my chin gently and titled my head. Loki pushed the flower into my hair, above my left ear. He let my chin go, lightly stroking it before resting it on his side.
"There you go, my beautiful dove." Loki left me, I smiled and continued watering the flowers.
Later on, I was gather couple of books Loki needed and placed it on my stack of them, at least 10 hard covered books. Maintaining my balance, I managed to get back to Loki's chambers and nudged the door open with my foot. Loki was about to walk into his study when he paused to look at me. He chuckled and beckoned me to follow.
Loki sat at his desk,a pad of paper in front of him. Keeping my head bowed down, I put the heavy books down on the desk. I could feel Loki staring at me, his pale hand clasped my chin and tilted my head to meet his emerald gaze.
"Look at me when you enter, your eyes are quite interesting to look at, my little dove." He said and let go.
I smiled and a small blush crept up to my cheeks, I hurried out. All I needed to do was, get his attire and armour shined and I would be done.
Finally, I walked into Loki's chambers for the last time today, his attire folded in my hands with his helm on top. The rest of his armour was already shined and put away. Loki sat on his bed, a book on his lap, he ignored the fact I had walked into the room and his emerald eyes searching the pages.
I opened the closet door and put away his attire, shutting the door a little too loud which made Loki snapped his head up before going back to his book
"How many chores do you have left, my dove?" He said. I walked over to where his armour was held and placed the golden, horned helm with the rest of it.
"As of right now, I am officially done for this evening, Loki." I replied, turning to him with a smile on my face. Loki raised his eyebrows at me.
"Every single one?" I nodded. Loki looked shocked and then he smirked at me.
"Come here, my little dove." He said, something sparked in those green eyes. I made my way over to him. Loki moved more towards the middle of his huge bed, I stopped at the edge of the bed.
"Did you forget anything?" He asked.
I glanced at Loki, worried. I did a memory jog, the entire chamber was clean and food was brought. So what was it?
"I do not know." I admitted, I started to shake. I didn't know what to do! Loki laughed, falling back on the bed.
"By Odin's beard, I could not of gotten a better maid than you, my beautiful dove! You so much better than any of the maids I'd have, I think that deserves a reward." He explained.
"So what was the point of asking if I forgot something?" I asked, I was confused.
"That was a trick question to which all of them failed, for I am the God of Mischief." Loki smirked. I rolled my eyes, I should have see that coming. A small aches were all over my body and I gave him tired look.
"Can I please go? I wish to go sleep, Loki."
"Oh, my little dove-" Loki chuckled, grabbed my hand in his larger one. He pulled me onto the bed and into his arms, I crawled in with an uneasy feeling. "-you won't be leaving anytime soon."
"Why is that?" I asked, a bit frighten.
"Perhaps, I need to refresh your mind. You were told by my mother that I needed both a chambermaid and personal maid, and you are required to stay in my chambers." Loki explained. Oh, right, I forgot about that.
"Um, I do not think we should be doing this, Loki." I said against his chest. Not sure if I was allowed to do this since I was just a maid, he's a royal.
"You are mine, and in my possession. I can do whatever I please with you." He replied.
I shrugged my shoulders, it was true. But truth be told I liked it when he held me. Loki and I stayed like that for awhile. I yawn escaped my lips and my eyes were heavy.
"Tired, my dove?" Loki asked and I shifted in his arms, trying to get my head rested in a good position. I could probably fall asleep on him.
"I had one of guardsmen take your clothes place them the small dresser." He said, nudging me off of him so he could get up and head into his study to give me privacy.
I got out of bed and over to the dresser, I opened the drawer to find that they were all in here. I changed into a deep green nightgown, just in time as he was coming out. Loki walked out just in time and loop his arm around my waist me, setting me on the comfy bed.
Loki had made it know which side was clearly his, I sighed and laid on my side on the far side of the glorious. I tried to let sleep come to me, my thoughts swarmed in my head.
Loki kept moving in bed and every 20 minutes or so, he'd changed position. One of his long legs tangled with mine and an arm slithered around my torso.
I let Loki pulled me to him, unsure what to do.
"Goodnight, my dove." That was the last thing Loki said before dozed off, nuzzling into my neck. I laid somewhat awake as my thoughts clouded over my mind.
They rumours they had spread were complete lies, Loki was amazing. He said he didn't want me to leave, so what did that meant? Why does he keep calling his dove?
"Rest your mind, my precious dove. You are too active in that head of yours."
"I thought you were asleep?" I asked. Loki chuckled.
"Go to rest, you little thinker."