Lost A Friend..Oops (14)

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(Your point of view)

Last night went by in a flash, me and Lucas made up...we decided not to date and wait a little longer. It made me sad knowing that but also gives me time to tell the others. Sunny had told me Hyuk came rushing to the dorm last night looking for Lucas, I asked Lucas what had happened he told me his seen the kiss, I was upset and a little angry so I tried to call him yet no response. " morning" Sunny says " Good morning" I reply back.

(Bambam point of view)

I got up from bed seeing my roommate still asleep I walked over to the door Headed to the kitchen finding Sunny and (y/n) " hii" I say " hi" (y/n) says back. Just then Lucas walks in and over to (y/n) " good morning beautiful" is what I hear before he kissed her on the cheek....are they dating.

(Lucas point of view)

I woke up...still tired but managed to reach the door, I turned around to face an empty bed " guess he never came home" I talked to myself and headed out. There I'd seen my baby " good morning beautiful" I said and gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek " are you guys dating" Bambam asks " oh..hey" I only reply back...oops didn't know he was here " there not dating...the kiss is normal for them" I hear Sunny talk. I winked at her and smiled, I turn to face Bambam who looks at me weirdly " o-okay...do I get a kiss as well I don't mind if it's from (y/n)" he said while wiggling he's eyebrows...HE SAID WHAT!!! " YAHH!!! Go find your OWN! girl and ask for a kiss this ones taken" I answer back quite annoyed from the statement. I hear the girls laugh before (y/n) get up walks over to Bambam and gives him a little peck on the cheek.... " YAHH!!" I scream at (y/n) grabbing her hand and pulling her towards me " jealous much" is all she says as I kissed her on the lips. I pulled away and spoke " yes I'm jealous...are you gonna kiss him on the lips now that I did it to you" I ask still mad, she turns to face the ground probably from embarrassment " what did I tell you..don't ever turn your pretty face from me" I spoke back. She turned her face looking at me " aren't you gonna answer him" Bambam asks "what?" (Y/n) replies back Looking at him " are you kissing me or not" he says as I walk over and slap him "OUCH!!" He whined " come near her and watch..the ugly head of yours is gone" I say as everyone in the room began to laugh " that was one show" Yeri says " yep" another said.

(Your point of view)

We had fun at the dorm teasing Lucas. As everyone was leaving " Sunny..what happened to Luhan" I whispered his name while asking Her " don't worry I called him yesterday after the incident, his probably gonna want an explanation though" she said as I nodded "...Yoongi texted me this morning asking me to meet up" I replied " I'll visit Yoongi then Luhan" I answerd myself as Sunny nodded " don't be late today, I don't think Lucas is gonna handle it..he's starting to act like a boyfriend" she spoke as I pouted" yahh don't say that we're not dating.." I reply back " your not dating....YET!!" she says as I walk off.

(Hyuk point of view)

Baekhyun had told me everything that's been happening at the dorm. All I wanted was to kill Lucas, I heard that (y/n) and He are closer than ever, this made my blood boil...hearing there now kissing each other while hugging. I didn't bother to go and sleep there instead I went over to one of my members, they happily accepted as I stayed the night. No matter how hard it was to stay away from (y/n) I had no choice, if I were there me and the shit (Lucas) would start a fight...I'm pretty sure (y/n) wouldn't want that and neither did I.

(Suga-Yoongi point of view)

I was sitting on the bench as usual waiting for (y/n). I heard her sweet voice call my name as I turned around " hi yoongi" she says as I walk over to her giving a hug " I know this wasn't our usual time to meet but I just needed to see you" I answered back " Yonngi-ah...your so cute" she replied as I chuckled " do you wanna lay down" she asks as we both sit " yeah sure" I lay on her lap admiring her beauty. I really wanted to tell her how I felt...instead I talked about something else " Taehyung and Jungkook are dating" I spilled out " Really!?" She replies back. " yeah..I don't mind, it's just kind of weird not to mention annoying" I said as she stroked my hair " Yoongi" she says " yes" I answer " people say your quite cold towards them..your different with me..I find you sweet and understanding..is there a reason" she asks " (sigh) I don't know how to put this...I-i like you (y/n) not just as a friend but more" I reply back. I can't believe I said that, she's gonna run away, idiot, idiot " oh..okay" it's all she says. I quickly sit up facing her " Your saying as if you knew" I answer her " no it's just..I like you as well...but..I can't be with you" she replied back leaving me speechless " I know why the hell did I say that...I really do like you..it's hard because others feel the same and..." she stopped and look down at her hands " (y/n)....d-do you really like me" I ask her. She looked at me nodded and turned around " can we just be friends" she spills out, and ouch that hurt " why can't we be together" I ask " I'm scared you'll get hurt.." she says " don't say that...DONT SAY YOU LIKE ME THEN CANT BE WITH ME!!" I yelled at her " Y-Yoongi.." she calls out to me. Yet I didn't listen " if you can't be with me...then there's no point in liking me" I say and left. I got really angry I walked to my dorm and into my room " AHH!!...Yoongi I-i thought you were with (y/n) Jungkook says, I turn around to find Taehyung and Jungkook having there moment...there literally naked!...I couldn't care less...I sat in my bed and turned to the other side " Kookie..should I leave" I hear Tae talking " don't mind me...continue on with whatever your doing" I say and close my eyes " okay" Jungkook says " WHAT!!" Tae yells back at him.

(Your point of view)

I was crying...I lost a friend...how many more people will suffer. I was walking back to my dorm when I stopped, I needed to see Luhan...after what I had did to Suga I can't bare to lose another. I need to fix this, so I ran towards Yoongis dorm, I knew which dorm it was Since I over heard Jimins conversations. I had stopped looking at the door I knocked revealing " SUHAN!!" I yelled " (Y/N)!...w-what are you doing here" he asks, I gave him my number when we were on the island " oh..hey is Yoongi here" I ask him " you mean Suga...yeah his inside...this room" he shows where he is, I thank him before entering " YOONGI!!.....what the hell". I walk in seeing Yoongi sitting up and two guys....

😂😂😂sorry Taekooks your exposed

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