Book Lovers

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"Good morning. Is this the class of history of Mr Jean?"
"Yes, good morning" - says a man with short brown hair and glasses. He might be in his late 30'....
"I am so sorry for being late" - it is all I can say.
"It is OK, just take a sit" - says Mr Jean.
I sit down and next to me is a short black-haired girl with blue eyes. She is wearing a gray jumper and some casual trousers.
"Hey, my name's Elodie"
"I am Ninette, but call me Nina. Where are you from? "
"From here. You? "
"I am from Lyon. So you know the capital... "
"Okey, than today you are gonna show me the best bars in here. So, do you wanna accompanie me at a beer?"
"Oh, I...I don't drink" - and than I see her reaction. She made a face like she saw an alien or something.
"Haha, good joke. "
" I am serious. "
"Wait what? Well, that's a new one. "
I don't know how I feel about this. I know she 'kinda jokes, but you know... I am just not that kind of person, that's it. I don't think alcohol makes you an adult, this is not mature at all....
"Don't worry, we'll take you a juice - she smiles. - I like you girl. "
"Aam, thanks, I think... "
The rest of the lesson we just listen to the teacher who made a mini introduction presentation on power point about what are we going to study. When the lesson finishes, I grab my bag and go to explore the campus....
Let's see... I have 20 minutes until the next lesson. So I go back downstaires and walk through the corridor. And then I see the best place in this hole school.... The library. I love reading since I was 5. The way how books can bring you into another world is amazing. I enter there and I start walking along the shelfs.

While I was walking, suddenly a kind voice spoke to me...
"Hello Elodie" - says Damon with his cute accent.
"Damon, aam, hey! What are you doing here?"
"I... Ahm.... Read? - says he with a funny face. - What could I do in a library? Fuck the shelfs?"
We both start laughing hard. He is hilarious.
"I don't know what to expect from you - I say while I'm laughing. - It is just, I didn't expect seeing you in a library"
"Why? I actually love reading, since I was smal. "
"It is just, you...I mean "
"Look? - he knew exacly at what I was thinking. - Never judge a book by its cover"

* * *

We continued talking. He told me he was from Manchaster, but he came to university at 18 years old in Paris. Now he is in the 3rd and his last year. He offered me to show me where my class is. We kept talking until we arrived there.

"Well, thank you for bringing me here. At least now I won't be late" - we both smile.
"Well you can thank me if you come at my party in two days. It is a party with some friends, but I can introduce you there."
"I don't do parties."
"Really? It is a pitty. It is my birthday you know... My friends make a little party for me... And you are in your 1st year at university, you'll need some friends."
"Oh, okey, I'll be there. Send me the address... Here is my phone number. 097..."
"It is not needed, I'll just take you from home. Send me your address. Here is my phone number" - he gives me a little paper.
"Thanks... Well, than see ya. "

I enter in the class and the only sit is next to a blond boy with brown strand of hair. He has lots of tatoos on his arms and wears a plain red T-Shirt with some brownish jeans.
"Excuse me, is this sit taken? " - I ask
"Neah, you can sit. I Am Clerc Nathan. Call me Nath. And you are...??? "
"Autry Elodie."
"Nice to meet you Elodie."

At the end of the lesson, Nathan asks me out tomorrow. I am not really interested in him, but he is OK, so I accept to go to a walk with him. Maybe it is gonna be fun.

* * *

Next day I meet Nina at the entrance of the university. I looked all day after Damon, but he isn't in the university today. I admit I miss him and our little diacutions.... He is funny, but also clever...
Nathan is intrerrupting my Thoughts with a big smile and his kind voice.
"Good morning Elodie. How are you?"
"Fine, thanks. What about you?"
"I'm OK, just waiting for our date."
"It is not a date... Or it is? "
"Haha, you are funny. However I have to go. See ya. "
Hmm... Is this a good idea? A date? I mean if I keep things under control, what can happen? We are just friends...
Anyway, the rest of my day is the same as yesterday. I go to lessons and most of the time I hang out with Nina.

* * *

Now I wait in the park. He had to be here since 20 minutes. Finally he appears.
"Het, sorry for being late. The traffic, you know..."
"You don't have a car.... "
"Eh, at least I tried."

We spend the afternoon talking and going in little clothes shps. I wanna buy a dress for tomorrow's party. But I didn't told Nathan about that. He just knows I wanna buy a dress for some wedding. Anyway, I found a dress.
The "date" was pretty good. Sometimes he tried to flirt with me, but I think we could be friends. He is a good listener and company.

When I arrived home, I washed my hair and I went directly to bed. This was a tiering day.

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