Y/N pov
As I was simply sitting with my friend, Lisa, I didn't notice I was staring off into space until Lisa nudged me a bit"You ok Y/N? You seem...out of it"
"O-oh,I'm fine Lisa!"
"Don't act like I don't know you're hiding something,what's wrong bestie?"
*sigh* "Fine,you caught me! It's just Jungkook...I'm really worried about him"
"H-He's well..."
I didn't want to tell Lisa what jungkook has been doing,he told me to never tell anyone but I know I have too but I don't want to loose my best friend,I decide to tell Lisa anyway even if it means loosing a friendship at least I know he won't die.
"He's starving himself Lisa! H-He's slowly dying and I want to help him b-but he j-just won't listen to me! I-I please help me Lisa!"
Without noticing I had tears in my eyes that were falling onto my cheeks and was practically bawling,I cry on Lisa's shoulder as she calmed me down.
"I see, I see, don't cry no more Y/N"
*sigh* "I really want to help him! I really do but I don't really know how..."
"Well, he's our best friend and we're willing to do anything to stop him from starving himself right?"
"But do you know why he's starving himself?"
"Well, his hyungs torture him every single day just because he was gay,and also his parents, they kept telling him he was fat and ugly so I'm guessing that's why he started to starve himself"
"Oh, I've been through kind of the same thing"
"You have?"
"Yes, my parents found out I was gay or- lesbian and they would tell me I was fat,ugly and useless but Jennie stood up for me so I'm really thankful for her"
"Oh..why didn't you tell me!"
"Well we weren't friends at the time but I never told cuz it was never a big deal"
*sigh* "it's fine....I guess, but we still have to help jungkook..how did Jennie help you?"
"She stood up to my parents and basically gave a lecture on why I was perfect, cute, funny, and all that stuff"
"I think I have a plan!"
Jungkook pov
"n-no..stop please...!"There I laid in a pool of my own blood,trying not to make any of this worse
"Fucking useless slut"-guy1
"Whatever dude,we got the money let's just go"-guy2
"But- I really want to toy with this kid"-guy1
"Dude,we could probably get caught! These ally ways are pretty busy"-guy2
"Let's just take him to our apartment"guy1
"But..what about jinyoung? He'll never let us stay ever again if he found out that we're trying to rape another idol"-guy2
"Stop being such a pussy Leon (fake name)"-guy1
"You take him in then Keon (fake name), I'm not trying to get kicked out"-Leon
"Fine! Let's just leave this kid then"-Keon
Keon and Leon slowly walked out of the ally way (making sure to clean their hands first) as I tried to get up but failed miserably
Damn it jungkook! You knew you should wear your mask when going outside..this is all your fault.
S-shut up......YOU!
Whatever,get yourself up and stop laying like that you worthless piece of shit
Third person
"Where the fuck is that jeon?!"-jin
"Woah..calm down jin"-jimin
"No, and I really need that jeon to fucking cook! Nothing is getting done around here ok?!"
"Well maybe you can maybe do the chores?"-yoongi
"Shut up you lazy ass! You never do anything anyway"-jimin
"Whatever, I'm going to my room!"yoongi
*sigh* "What has this band come too?"-tae
Taehyung followed yoongi up into their room for some private time and peace and quiet, it was no doubt that the bangtan house was complete chaos even though it looks totally perfect from an ARMY's view, but it was far from perfect.
"Yoongi..I have a question"
"What is it"
"You've seen jungkook has been getting quite thin lately right?"
"You're right taehyung...he has been getting a little thin lately"
"Y-you don't think he's starving himself...right?"
"Oh! What a reli-"
"I think he's throwing up and starving himself"
"Slowly dying, yeah"
"How did you know all of this?!"
"You know how much I adore his cuteness right?"
"Everyone does! Well everyone used to at least"
*sigh* "taehyung go get Y/N right now"
"No need for that now"-Y/N
"Y/N? How did you get in here"
"Not just me but"-Y/N
"HI! Lisa here!"-Lisa
"Why are you both her-"-taehyung
"How are you two in here?"-yoongi
*time skip lol ^~^*
"Ok! Everyone knows the plan right?"-Lisa
"Mission save jeon jungkook is a go!"-Lisa
"O-one problem.."-tae
"What is it?"-Lisa
"Where is jungkook?"-tae
"He's in the dorm....right?"-Y/N
"No..he's not,I looked at the front door like a hawk...nobody ever went through or out that door"-tae
"Well shit people"-yoongi
"Attention! The famous kpop idol jeon jungkook has been found unconscious in an alleyway in Seoul South Korea at 16:00,and is now being transported to the hospital. Stay tuned for more infor-""Guys. We need to go NOW!"-Y/N
*at the hospital*
"Y/N! Stop worrying..he's gonna be fine!"-Lisa
"SHHHHH"-a random nurse
Just then a nurse emerged from Jungkook's room
"Ok so jungkook will be fine but he does have a lot of scratches and wounds on his body,and he is very thin"-nurse
"What I would recommend is getting him to eat more and stop overworking him self so much"-nurse
"Ok,thank you nurse"-yoongi
"No problem,the doctor will come by shortly but for now you may visit him"-nurse
They all walked in as the nurse went to get the doctor. Witnessing a fragile,thin,bandaged boy who is known as the precious maknae of BTS.
Pt. 3?? Sorry this took so so so soooo long to freaking write but it's 1am where I live and I'm tired but I wanted to get this chapter out anyway so here's ur chapter