The fall

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After pretty much everyone leaves you walk towards the stage climb on to it and hug erzas stone leg crying ito it softly.

*time skip to when there are only a few members left fighting*

As you look at the wall you notice that only 7 wizards remain including you and the dragon slayers. You start walking towards the exit ignoring the dizzyness you are feeling, the chest pain and the cold sweat that is pouring out of you. As you reach the door you realise that the enchantment doesn't allow sayains to leave the guild. This angers you as you dont have the means to save your mother. You punch the enchantment repeatedly trying to break through it. Makarov says 'stop punching it you wont get through' 'ive got to try' you say breathing heavily asking abot whether it was hot or not.

*time skip to when erza frees the other girls from evergreen and levy allows people out of the guild*

You follow cana and juvia in trying to find freed when suddenly juvia and cana walk into one his traps and he promises to fight whoever doesnt lose. What he doesnt realise is that you are just behind the barrier. As you walk around it he says 'so the little sayain wants to fight me ha ha ha, a sayain cant compare to me while they are so young.' 'What about a super sayain?' 'Wait super sayain what is that?' You laugh and start to scream deeply and charge your power up and eventually you turn super sayain.

Freed looks at you with fear. You rush forward throwing a torrent of attacks most of which he blocks, you try to spin kick him in the head but he dodges and hits you in the back with his sword. He then tries to use a dark eciture but you dodge it, you once again try to throw a punch at his face but he dodges it he then attacks repeatdley with his sword you only block and dodge roughly half of them.

By this point cana is free from the barrier due to juvia sacrificing herself and you say 'cana i have a plan' 'i swear if you say hit him really hard im going to kill erza' 'i guess we could hit him really hard at the same time?' 'Screw it!' You and cana throw your most powerful attacks at freed who repeatedly dodges your attacks. You are fighting on a bridge when you see mirajane and elfman and you say 'guys i dont mean worry you but im pretty sure im dying.' 'What why?' Mira asks 'well my chest hurts pretty bad im felling dizzy and its hot as shit for some reason.' 'Oh shit i think f/n is having a heart attack.'

You fall over and everyhing goes black all you can do is feel pain and its so intense all you can do is scream. You scream for minutes on end before having to breath.

When you awake you are in the arms of cana you look across at elfman who is carrying juvia you manage to hear the last part of mirajanes speech to freed. You fall out of canas arms and fly towards where yoh feel a large amount of magical pressure coming from.

You arrive at the cardia cathedral to see erza, natsu and jellal you turn super sayain and rush towards him, just as fly through the doors you shout 'laxus by the time his is over you will be crying like a bitch for what you've done' however just as you get ready to fight you clutch your chest and fall to floor again fallinf unconsious. You scream in pain again repeatedley. 

You wake up and see erza stood out side with hundreds of swprds surrounding her. You stand up and hobble towards her and put your hand on her stomach and then transfer most of the energy in your body to her giving her just enough energy to summon a few more swords. This then gives her enough swords to destroy most of the lacrimas, her and the guild take out the lacrimas. You then clutch your chest again and fall next to erza who was struck by lightning.

The next time you wake up its the next day and porlyusica is next to your bed in the guilds infirmary and erza is holding your hand gently stroking it, porlyusica then says in a very angry tone 'why didnt you take your medicine' 'i forgot about it.' You say in a disapointed tone 'you forgot about it!' Erza shouts and then cries into your shoulder. 'Now you need to take this medicine everyday for about a month, otherwise you will die.' You look downwards 'this time erza is here and will make you take them'

After a while you are told that you can watch the fantasia parade and you are placed on a rooftop to watch it after a moment where everyone put their index finger and thumbs into the shape of an l and raise it skywards. You look slightly to your right and you see laxus almost cryinf and feeling guilty so you fly towards him. When you land you walk up to him and say 'its okay laxus all you wanted to do was make us stronger but we already are the strongest guild because we care for each other.' He starts silently crying so yoh walk up to him and hug him and he starts sobbing and then you say 'i told you that you wold be crying like a bitch.' He then starts to chuckle 'your alright kid you know that right, this is going to sound weird coming from me butcan we be friends.' 'Yeah bt theres one problem.' 'What is it' 'im scared of lightning' you say sheepishly he chuckles and hugs you back and says 'you dont need to be anymore, i am lightning now lightning is your friend.' You smile up at him as you realise that lightnig wont hurt you any more. 

Erza Scarlet x Male child saiyan readerWhere stories live. Discover now