Fall at My Feet

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Tom Holland always got what he wanted. Whether it be money, fame, a spot on a TV show, a part in a play, or girls.

He always won.

Except once....Y/N. She was the one he couldn't seem to get. It drove him up the wall to know she resisted him every time.

He couldn't seem to figure her out. Cause, goddamn, she was sexy, but she had a huge attitude, and sass, and confidence. She wore high heels like slippers and hoop earrings as if royal heirlooms. Everything she did, she did with purpose, and an alluring sense of self confidence.

It made Tom aggravated past the point of no-return. And the frustration of not getting what he wanted made him even more pushy when he was around her, making her even more attitudinal.

He liked to tease her, making sly faces and gestures, sitting in ways that seemed to make her stare.

But she returned it, biting her lip and twitching her eyebrows, biting the tip of her tongue, or running it over her top teeth.

The worst was when she stuck it out, showing off its length, or running it over her bottom lip.

It made Tom very uncomfortable.

But he never told her to stop, cause if he did she might never give in to him. So he let her keep teasing, and returned it, but it never got him anywhere. She kept getting away.

Y/N was accustomed to giving people what they wanted, all through her childhood. When she was sixteen, she stopped doing what other people wanted, only doing things that satisfied her. She became ruthless, and needless to say, attracted more boys than before.

They told her at first that she was just playing hard-to-get, but when even the cutest of boys showed her attention, she kept it up. Soon they all thought it was a competition, and then it became a game. Who could get her?

No one could.

And when she was cast in a steamy romance movie with Tom Holland, she was totally prepared to make him rethink how easy girls were when you're famous. And hot.

She refused every non-filmed advance, and yet still teased him for fun. He teased back, and some things he did very nearly made her drop to her knees for him.


"Tom, let's try not to give Y/N a hard time today, okay?" Harrison suggested. I ignored him.

He had no right to tell me not to do that, of course, was he my director? Didn't think so. "No, Haz, I'm going to be worse today I think."

Harrison smiled at Tom, but not a happy one. "Alright bloke, make a fool of yourself. She's not changing her mind."

I blinked at him. "Oh, really?"

Harrison rolled his eyes slowly. "Alright, what's driving you to her so hard?"

I frowned, standing up to open the trailer door, but let my hand rest on it. "She doesn't drive you insane?"

Harrison scoffed. "Hell no, she's not my type. Granted she's smoking hot, but have you seen Zendaya lately?!"

I rolled my eyes this time. "Yeah, I have. And she's a been-there, done-that now. I'm onto the 'next toy.'"

Harrison opened his mouth in shock. "You didn't just say that."

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"Haz," I said in an aggravated tone. "She's the only girl that doesn't fall at my feet......and it's going to drive me mad."

Harrison covered his eyes with one hand. "Good lord. I think she's already done that, given your word choice a few sentences back."

"Haz," I said, reprovingly. "You think I'd actually say that?"

Harrison gave me one raised eyebrow.

I took that as an answer, and yanked open the trailer door.

Y/N was walking past, already in costume. If forgotten what scene we had been doing today until I saw her costume.


She wore a short, black lacy number. It made me slightly hot in the face.

She looked up at me through long eyelashes, and I saw how dark her lipstick was. Now I wanted to know if it was smudge proof or not.

I'm betting not.

She smiled up at me, not showing any teeth, and rose a wicked eyebrow. "Hey baby," she cooed. "How's things?"

I glared at her. She liked to talk to me in her character's voice, I think, to drive me insane. "I'm fine darling, how're you?"

She winked a dark eyelid. "A'right, I guess. Feeling hot," she adjusted the top of her dress, cleavage becoming more pronounced. "And bothered."

I swallowed hard. Shit.

She ran her tongue over her top teeth, looking at Harrison as he sulked past me down the trailer steps. "Well babes, I say we get filming done, no?" She smiled, showing her teeth in this one. "It'll be hot and sweaty, hmm?" She hummed a bit, licking her dark lips.

I started counting backwards from ten in my head, trying not to give myself away.

She looked down my legs, and smiled even more evilly. "I'd say I've gotten you all hot and bothered, huh angel face?"

I glared at her as hard as I could. God, she was a siren.

She winked again, and kept walking.

Harrison whistled low when she walked off, looking back at me. "She's got a hold on you, 'angel face.'" He sniggered, and walked away.

I stomped down the trailer steps, pissed, hot, and bothered.

She'd fall at my feet at some point, I'd bet on it.

After filming another intense scene, the director told us all to take a break, and he told us not to come back until we'd gotten rid of our quote-unquote "negative energy."

So I followed Y/N and Harrison off set, where the girl took off her high heels and turned to me. "Hungry?" She asked, in a sultry tone.

Fighting back the urge to shove her against the wall beside us, I looked at Harrison, then back at her. "Starving."

I wonder if she meant it in the way I did. No, I wasn't hungry for food. I was starving for her.

Her evil smile faltered, and she turned away. Both Harrison and I exchanged looks, and Harrison bent a little to look at her face before looking at me with a small grin.

I ignored him cause he'd an idiot.

Y/N straightened up, taking a deep breath and turning back to me. "I'm going to go get Z, and she and I will be back with food within the hour."

Then she switched demeanors. "That a'right with you, darling?" But she said it in an accent.

I smiled weakly.

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