Chapter 4

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Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo regrouped on the playground when Diamond Tiara was coming their way.

Scootaloo was stiff, but also sweating and red in the face. She was very nervous and needed to hide right away. 

"Oh horseapples!" Scootaloo said nervously, "I've gotta hide!"

She ducked behind Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, hoping for Diamond Tiara not to see her this way. 

But it was no use, for she was discovered anyway.

"Scootaloo, come here! I need to talk to you!" Diamond Tiara said. 

Scootaloo got up and started to trot towards her. As she was trotting, she gulped and her heart pounded as she got closer and closer. This just wasn't her day and she knew it.

"Hi, Scootaloo." Diamond Tiara said, "I read those notes you gave me and they were quite swell. But one thing I need to ask you is, why are you trying too hard? If you love me, speak your mind." 

"I-I can't. Rainbow Dash will freak, I mustn't." Scootaloo replied.

"You're afraid, aren't you, honey bun?" Diamond Tiara asked, "Don't worry because I'll be there." 

"I ain't afraid!" Scootaloo said, "In fact I'll say it loud and proud right now!"

Diamond Tiara knew it and let go of her previous side from long ago. It still came out when she was angry, only this time it was totally accidental. 

"I-I'm sorry." Diamond Tiara said, stepping back, "You probably don't love me now that I lost control and got angry." 

Scootaloo smiled.

"You're perfect even with all your imperfections. And that's why I love you." Scootaloo said, "Care for a kiss?" 

Diamond Tiara smiled.

"Yes." Diamond Tiara said.

And that was when Scootaloo had her first kiss. 

Scootaloo's Pride: A ScooTiara StoryWhere stories live. Discover now