37. I Am So Proud.

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**three weeks later**

Millie's P.O.V:

School started again and I couldn't give less of a shit if I'm honest, the only good thing about it is dance. I have danced since I was a child and I love it, its a passion like the boys with their music. Speaking of the boys, they have had gigs and concerts over the past few weeks which is really exciting as they are starting to gain a massive following. We all kept the room/mini apartment we got put into over the holidays as it should technically be our last year at this school as we are all 18 now, that is unless our parents pay extra but we are adults now. I guess they don't care anymore.

Tonight the boys have a big show in the centre of London and we are all so excited. I have never seen them perform on a real stage properly at a concert. Today we have school for a bit then we are bunking off last lesson to get there on time. The boys need to go set up and soundcheck or whatever so the girls are going for a meal. 


I started to get myself ready, becoming stuck on whatever outfit to wear. I am going to a concert but it is still cold, we are in London remember. I decided on a black cropped top with a denim jacket to keep me warm, layers is the key when going to concerts! 

 I decided on a black cropped top with a denim jacket to keep me warm, layers is the key when going to concerts! 

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(millie's outfit)

I wandered downstairs after finishing getting ready. I was stood by the door that led into our small living room area were stood a bored looking Ana and Kirstie.

"If you was ready, you should've shouted me, I've been taking my cause I thought you was done" I smiled kind of feeling bad that they are waiting for me.

"Oh no, we knew you would be ready. Kay on the other hand is still picking out an outfit" Kirstie replied looking quiet fed up.

"Shall I go help her?" I giggled at her annoyed face.

"No use Millie we have tried" Ana reassured me. I laughed and shook my head whilst I continued to wait. I looked down at my phone, we had 25 minutes until the train which meant we had to leave in 15 minutes exactly to make it just in time. My anxiety kicked in as I do not like being late. We decided on getting the train as it is easier than driving in and finding somewhere to park, have you seen how busy London is on a Friday night? 

I looked down at my phone for what felt like the 200th time. $ minutes until we need to leave to be on time. That's it, what is taking her so damn long?

"Kayl-, oh" I shouted up the stairs until a flustered looking Kayla ran round the corner and down the stairs.

"I'm coming, I'm ready!!" She shouted whilst still fastening her heels zip. Someone is dressed to impress tonight. 

Me, Ana and Kirstie stood at the bottom of the stairs clapping and cheering whilst she put on her jacket.

"Lets go!! Kirstie signed as we headed out of the door. 

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**2 hours later**

We arrived in Central London and went for some food together, which by the way was very well needed after a morning of work. We had some spare time so we looked around some shops before we got bored considering we wasn't buying anything. 

We got to the arena and was taken back by the amount of fans waiting. We knew the boys had gained a following but we didn't know it was this big. We all stood there staring at the queues in front of us full of excited girls my age and a bit younger. 

"Woah" Ana let out which caused us all to snap out of our trance. 

"How the fuck do they not get nervous?" Kirstie chuckled. 

We headed for the side door which the boys went through due to them giving us a pass to avoid the queues as we know the boys personally. We didn't have a chance to see the four of them so we just made out way to the floor and stood on the right side near the front corner out of the way of any over excited fans. I love this fandom but I ain't looking to get crushed tonight. 

We talked for a few minutes before the arena went dark, causing screams to erupt. My nerves set in for the boys and I don't even know why. I love them all a lot and just hope everything goes well for them. 

Music starts to play along side a video before Connor James and Tristan come on the stage with Brad jumping around behind them. I laughed to myself as I saw him run on stage bouncing around. He looked so happy. 

He wore grey pants with a green t shirt and he looked so adorable. He shouted through the mic making the crowd behind me scream so loud before the boys took over the music and started singing their own song. I snapped some photos of Brad when he ran over to our side as we was on Connor's side at the front. 

(creds to owner)

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(creds to owner)

After a hour or so of their set and a lot of dancing, Brad and the boys sang their last song. He came close to us and bent down looking at the first row of girls, he shot a cheeky smile before he ran off again. As the music started to end, the crowd was wild and shouting like crazy. The boys stopped playing and Brad stopped singing, letting the audience sing for them. It was amazing, I am so proud of them all. They shouted goodnight to the audience and the lights went out as they started to walk of stage. As they walked off Connor's side, Con spotted us laughing in the corner and waved. Brad looked over at what he was waving at  and his eyes caught mine. He winked at me and smirked slightly. I think I just died.

We scurried off towards backstage with the use of out passes. I swear some girls shouted over to us but I'm not sure.

We got directed into a large dressing room. The room had two couches in the middle of the room with a ping pong table in one corner and a table in the other. The walls were lined with mirrors and signed pictures of artists I guess had played here.

"Ayyyyy!!" Tristan shouted across the room as we entered, causing Brad to look us and turn around with a cup in his hand. His eyes searched through the girls before landing on me as I entered last. 

He quickly wandered over to me his smirk growing. He gripped his free hand on my waist before kissing me hard and passionately. Someone is happy.

"Hey sweetheart." His voice was husky and low as he spoke quietly in my ear so no one else heard.

"You are amazing Brad" I said in awe as I looked right into his eyes, his face so close to mine I can feel him breathing. His kissed my forehead before pecking my lips again.

"Brad!!!" Kayla squealed, pulling us away from each other. He downed the rest of his drink before playing it down on the table behind him and picking up another. 

"You are amazing oh my god!" She hugged him and he laughed slightly.

"Why thank you" he smirked. His eyes locked with men before he winked again. For real though is he trying to kill me?

"All 4 of you were amazing, I'm proud of you boys" I announce as I go and hug Tristan and he pulls me super close and tight. He treats me like his little sister. 

"Love you Mill!!" He shouts as I hug James and Connor.

"Love you mateyyyy" I shout back, someone has had a few drinks already I see. 

Brad strolled back over to me and snaked his arm around my shoulders, turning me to face him. He kissed me again.

"Mmmm I can't wait until we get home" He spoke quietly.

"Whys that Bradley?" I ask cheekily knowing what that does. His eyes squint slightly and he stares in my eyes. He forces his lips on to one more time.

"You'll have to find out Millie" he teases. 

cutie bradd

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peace X

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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