Secrets revealed.

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My eyes continuously changed and Aaron watched me in concern. 

I crawled away to a tree and I got myself up. 

Aaron finally got himself up and I watched as his eyes turned into their Ultima ones but he tied a bandana over them. 

He came over to me and we stormed back to the lodge. 

When we arrived, I went to the bathroom with Aaron following and I bandaged him and he bandaged me. There was two buckets of water, and many bandages. 

When we were done, the buckets were filled with bloody water. 

Aaron looked in the mirror and ended up putting his bandana on. 

We walked through the door and Garroth was worried about us. 

I suddenly fell against the wall and I groaned, but we continued on, but we heard Kim screaming so we went down. 

We saw her floating and a ghost in front of her. We ran over to Kim when we told the ghost Zane was in danger. Kim was soon possessed though and the ghost was going to help us. 

We went to the place where Lucinda's scent was leading. 

We ran through the caves and found Lucinda working on potions. 

The ghost possessed Lucinda and soon told us what to grab after a few minutes of fighting. 

We started to make a potion to get Lucinda back to us. Lucinda however used her wand but we soon got Lucinda back to our side and back to normal. 

Her red eyes came back and she was crying, she hugged Kim as she apologized for her actions. Lucinda gave away mine and Aaron's secrets, of what we were. 

And We accepted the fact of what we were and we were gonna save Aph. 

We went to the cliff and Aaron called out to Ein, and so I dived off the cliff and shifted in front of everyone, I watched as Ein and Aphmau took off and so I turned into a great horned owl. 

My purple eyes continuously changed as I glided down viciously. 

I felt my anger grow as I learned that Ein was a coward. 

I could feel my body losing more and more blood but I didn't care. 

I heard Aaron following after me and so I sped up after Ein. 

Suddenly Aaron and Lucinda were surrounded by wolves and so I shifted into a giant wolf. "Back off!" I growled out at them and they all whimpered, I shifted back when Tateanna was back, and Aaron and I went after Aphmau and Ein. 

We found them both and Ein was still taunting us.

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