The D team was the villains and the A team were the heroes, you and Deku were in the broken down building trying to find the two of them, "I don't know how we would find them because our quirks aren't the type to find we might have to let them come to us." Y/N plans, "Yeah." Deku agreed. The two of you walked around staying alert at all cost after all the two of you were going against someone who had pretty much of an advantage. Suddenly someone came out of nowhere and Deku moved you and himself out the way of the explosion, "You ok Y/N?" He asked you coughed a little and answered, "Yeah." You both stand up and look at him it's Kacchan, or from what you learned his name is Katsuki Bakugo. You both stand up and look at him your eyes flashed blue, "can you take him on by yourself Deku." "Y-yeah." "You sure." Deku pulled out the tape, "I'm sure." "Ok." Y/N ran towards him, "what do you think you're doing?" He said in his deep voice you saw an explosion slowly forming in his hand you jumped off of the wall and jumped over him, he was shocked by this and you landed perfectly and ran fast to the room, having a certain time limit could mean anything can happen to you in the process. Y/N made it to the place, she slowed down her breathing so he couldn't hear her heavy breathing, she hid around the corner and peeked out and saw him standing ready. She looked around the room and saw that there wasn't anything but the bomb and him, she looked away and started to think, well I don't really have a choice to use my full quirk, Y/N took a deep breathe and walked into the room, "I've been expecting you." He said in a somewhat villainous voice Y/N wanted to laugh at this but she had to keep her composure, "so any chance you could tell me your quirk?" You asked as you started to walk in a wide circle around him, "well why don't you just find out?" Your eyes flash blue, speed not bad, you ran up to him but not with his speed once you got close to him he moved the bomb out the way, "as you can see I have speed." You looked back at him and growled.
"Five minutes left!" All Might said through the speakers you were slightly out of breathe, "Y/N are you ready?" You herd Deku in the ear piece, "Yeah I'm ready." You said the two of you stood in silence then an explosion from the floor happened, Iida was confused and distracted and I'm sure everyone that was watching were too. Y/N took this chance you used the speed and jumped on top of the bomb Iida looked around for her, "where did you go?" "Up here!" He looked up and was surprised you could practically hear the others gasp, "HERO TEAM WINS!" All Might yelled in excitement, Y/N smirked and jumped from the bomb. She suddenly had this weird feeling about Deku she put her finger up to the ear piece, "Deku you ok?"....silence, "Deku can you hear me!".....more silence, "fuck." Y/N ran with her normal speed, she looked around and found Deku laying on the floor she ran over and sit on the floor, "Hey Deku." She moved his head a little, "Deku you ok?...Deku!" You all we're back at the place where they were watching you and the others, a girl named Momo was giving out pointers if this was a real mission but Y/N didn't listen till she said her name, "Y/N did a clean job also. She didn't risk the teams safety, setting off the bomb if it was real, and she kept her guard up." Everyone had their eyes set on Y/N she wasn't really paying attention anymore though she wanted to see if Deku was ok.
After the other teams went everyone changed back into their uniforms and Y/N ran over to the nurse, even though they've known each other for a couple of hours she cared for him. You entered the room and saw a really skinny guy with all mights suit on which looked very baggy on him. The nurse and the man looked at her, "...all might?" She looked at him up and down, "what happened to you!" All Might sighed, "this is my true form." Y/N nodded, "You can't tell anyone ok." Y/N nodded once again but she didn't really care she walked over to Deku's bed, "will he be ok?" You asked the nurse, "he will be fine dear." Y/N let out a sigh of relief. A few hours past and Y/N was still in the room, Deku opened his eyes slowly and looked around and saw Y/N in the chair with her eyes closed, "Y-Y/N?" Y/N opened her eyes and leaned onto her legs, "Hey." She said with a smile, "how you feeling?" "A little better then before." "That's good." The nurse came over to him and did some more treatments on him and sent him back to the classroom. Everyone came up to him and complimented him and told them their names and joked around with him, he was quite over whelmed but soon smiled. You walked from the group and looked at the rest of the class Iida was being himself trying to be the classroom police, Denki looking depressed from something, and other kids talking to their friends, you noticed the room was a little two happy, well other then Denki, but it was to calm....Katsuki. Y/N noticed Deku was gone she ran out the room and saw the two talking she hid and listened and watched the two argue, she saw Katsuki about to cry she could relate to him, maybe I judge him a little to quickly. But that thought washed over when All Might showed up and started saying inspirational things but Bakugo made him let go of him and he continued to walk home. Y/N walked over to the two, "so what are you two talking about?" She asked Deku got a little frantic and Y/N giggles at this, "I have to go you kids go home and get a good nights sleep!" All Might said and ran off. There was an awkward silence between the two till Deku started to talk, "m-mind if I w-walk you h-home?" Deku asked blushing, "I would like that." You said with a smile he smiled also still blushing. You guys walked and talked laughing at the jokes you made and laughing at how he was being somewhat awkward but you understood him, you make it to your house, "here it is." You said he looked at it and looked at the street, "oh you don't live that far from me I live around there the fourth house down." "That's I won't be as lonely." Deku looked at you with confusion, "lonely?...isn't your parents home?" Y/N you looked down at the ground, "I-I never met my parents." Deku's eyes soften you looked at him and you didn't like the sympathy, you were strong and could handle yourself that's why you don't like to tell people your story because when you tell them they think that your going to pop like a ballon to a needle, "Well I'll see you tomorrow." You said smiling, "I'll walk with you to school tomorrow ok." "Ok." You ran up to your door unlocked it and opened the door and waved Deku bye and he waved back

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