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katie's pov

i could barely keep my eyes open on the ride to school. sara was talking but i have no clue what about. i can't tell if she said goodbye to me as i stepped out of the car or if i'm just remembering it from yesterday. how the hell am i going to get through the day?

i went to my locker and stared inside for a solid three minutes without moving when a tap on my shoulder brought me out of my daze. i turned around.

"hi," the person quietly said.

i'm so tired i can't process what's going on. i stare at them for who knows how long.

"katie? are you ok?" they ask. i shook my head implying that i wasn't. i feel like i'm dying. i just want to sleep forever. i feel so shitty that i can't even be bothered with lying about my messed up mental state.

next thing i know i'm walking through the halls with an arm around my shoulder guiding me. all of my energy is devoted to standing up straight and not falling over. i can barely keep my eyes open. what's even going on?


i woke up with a splitting headache. my eyes were struggling to adjust to the harsh light. where am i? i began to sit up and as soon as i did i felt more dizzy than i ever have before. what's wrong with me? am i sick? where am i?

someone kneels down next to the bed i'm in.

"katie?" she asks. "how are you doing?"

i try to sit up again, more successfully this time, even though my headache consequently feels worse.

"where am i?" i ask. "what happened?"

i blink a few times and turn to face the school nurse. what?

"katie," she says, "do you want some water?"

"yes, please," i reply. she goes into another room to get some. i've never been to the school nurse before. this is weird. why am i here? i don't like it. she comes back with a disposable plastic cup full of cool water. i drink it, grateful.

"katie," she gets my attention (though she never really lost it). "another student brought you in here this morning. he said you looked sick. as soon as you laid down you fell asleep. are you sick? why did you come to school?"

"what? no. i'm not sick. what time is it?" i asked. i'm very confused.

"it's 12:15," she replied. "do you have any idea why you would be in this condition if you're not sick?"

"no, i-" shit. i had a panic attack last night. i suddenly become aware of the fact that my left arm is on top of the blanket that's covering my body. i quickly draw it underneath and pull the scratchy blanket up to my chin. "do you have any advil?"

the nurse sighs and leaves the room, returning with two green tablets and some more water. i gladly take both pills.

"who brought me in here this morning?" i can't think of anyone who would waste their time on me.

"i don't know," she replied, sounding increasingly impatient, "i've never seen him before."


"now," she continued, "you could either go to class or have a parent pick you up. what'll it be?"

well i can't ask my dad to pick me up because he's busy at work. and if i ask sara to, she'll ask me about the panic attack. i can't deal with that.

"i think i'll just stay," i tell her. "what class period is it?"

"are you sure you're well enough?" she asks. i nod. "ok, lunch just ended so you're in fifth period."

"thanks," i tell her. i start to get myself together and i walk out and into the hallway. as soon as i do, i bump into someone. great.


major filler chapter sorry

also calum nudes dayum ok

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