Henry woke up to find himself being shaken by Boris. Henry looked behind the wolf and saw "Alice Angel" slowly walking to up Boris. "B-Boris behind y-you." Henry said weakly. but it was to late the false angel had grabbed the poor wolf and they were both gone. He unwilling fell asleep but not before he saw something come out of the wall, he couldn't make out the shape of what ever it was and he didn't really care.
*Time skip brought to you by TheRealEntity303 because he is using me as a pillow*
"Where am I? My head hurts." Henry said to himself. " this looks like the safe room Boris kept me in... but just who would want to keep me safe? " well I think that I can answer that for you Henry." Henry whipped his head around to find that Bendy was standing in a door way. "B-Bendy!?" Henry stuttered. "Now who else would want to keep you away from that retched " Angel?" Bendy said as he walked to the bed Henry was on.
Henry backed into the wall as the ink demon came closer. "Your not trying to poison me are you?" Henry asked. "No I just wanted to give you some soup. It's not laced with arsenic, Joey wasn't dumb enough to carry that kind of drug around." Bendy replied.
"So why are you helping me?" Henry asked. "I'm not one for sappy speeches, it's not my cup of ink, but you need to stay away from that Angel Henry, she's not someone you want to mess with." Bendy answered. "You know when I got that letter I didn't expect any of this to happen and seeing how things took a turn for the worse... I'm just having an overall good time." Henry said calmly.
Bendy looked at him like he was insane. "How... HOW ARE YOU SO FUCKING CALM, YOU JUST ACT LIKE NOTHINGS WRONG! You could'a died Henry. How can you be so calm, how can you not hold a grudge against the people here, or even me?" Bendy demanded. "why do you think I chose the demon path, it's because I know there's still good in you, and from that smile your giving, I can tell your still my dancing demon." Henry said. Bendy smile grew and he said I'm still your dancing demon."
with love

Pouring ink
ParanormalA man named Henry get a letter for his old pal... Joey drew. But what happens when instead of finding Joey he finds... Bendy? things then go in a downward spiral from there. told from bendy's point of view.