21 - Jake (his pov)

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(Y/H/C)= your hair color

(Y/E/C)= your eye color

I sat next ta Snitch an' Itey talkin' 'bout random thin's in Tibby's. Da rest of da boys should be meetin' us hea. We finished sellin' ah papes ealier den da rest an' we came hea right afta, so we ah a bit early. Snitch started complainin' about how terrible da headlines ah when da rest of da boys came in. Davey, Les, Race, Mush, an' all da others followed by Jack an' (Y/N). I have had a crush on (Y/N) since da foist day I've ever seen 'er- when we all foist met her. She is in da same buildin' as Davey an' dey became friends, so one day he introduced her ta everyone. Her an' Jack hit it off autamatically, but I still like 'er even dough I know I shouldn't. She's Jack's goil an' even dough I fell fa 'er (Y/H/C) silky hair an' 'er big (Y/E/C) eyes, dere's no way fa us ta be tagether.

I watched as she walked inta Tibby's hand in hand wit Jack as he led her ta da table across from mine. She turned her attention ta Race, who was sittin' across from 'er, an' laughed at what he said. I could hear dem all laughin', but (Y/N)'s laugh rang through me ears. Her laugh can make anyone laugh since it's just so contagious. Her smile can brighten up anyone's day. Da way she talks an' laughs is poifect. I just wish she was mine.

"C'mon Jake, you have ta get ova 'er," Snitch said. I ripped me gaze from 'er ta look at Snitch. He was right. I had ta move on an' forget 'bout her. "She's Jack's goil," he added. I nodded in agreement an' leaned back in me chair. I look down at me lap tryin' ta stop meself from lookin' back at 'er. Knowin' that it's not goin' ta help, I look back up an' me gaze goes ta (Y/N) only ta have me heart break a little at what I see. She's now kissin' Jack as da boys comment by sayin' 'ooh' or otha thin's. She pulls away from Jack an' smiles down at 'er lap as she blushes which makes me smile a little. She looks back up smiling as Jack wrapped an arm 'round 'er shoulda.

"Jake, are ya okay?" Itey aks. I didn't even know I was clenchin' me fists. I unclenched dem an' moved dem off da table. I know I would be a betta boyfriend. I know I could love 'er moa. I bet I already do, but I, also, know she doesn't love me an' that's what hurts da most.

"Yeah," I lied. "I'm okay."

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