Entry 44

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Okay okay so a thing happened.

And this could either be really bad or really good.

So, short story long-


"'Have you started writing for the next album yet?' What makes you think you're getting another album?" I joked.

I was doing a liveshow on Instagram, after the fans begged us to start doing them because it reminded them of the good old days with all the keeks.

"I'm joking, of course you're getting a fourth album! Ashton has started writing already, so it's kinda guaranteed I guess," I shrugged.

"'Got a release date in mind yet?' We haven't even got a single song yet, let alone a release date!"

I interacted with the fans a bit more, as well a doing a minute of quickfire shoutouts. About five minutes later, Ashton burst into the room.

"Mikey, you've gotta see this," he stated.

I turned around. He looked slightly worried and maybe a bit panicky, but of course Ashton being Ashton, it's probably nothing too dramatic.

"Is it important? I'm kind of live streaming here," I asked.

"Stop the live stream, you need to have a look at this,"

I turned back towards my phone screen.

"Well, Ashton had spoken, guys, I'm gonna have to cut this one short. It's probably nothing, knowing Ash, but whatever. See you later,"

I stopped the live stream and shoved my phone into my pocket, following Ashton out of my room and down the stairs into the living room.

Luke and Calum were on the sofa looking at a phone. They instantly turned around and looked at me once they heard me coming.

"What's going on?" I asked.

They handed me the phone and let me read whatever it was. It was a tweet, which had a link to what I presume is a Daily Mail article.

The only thing visible on the tweet was the headline and a picture.



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"What the fuck?" I muttered.

I looked at the boys, each of them unsure of what to do.

I hesitantly pressed on the link, which took me to the full article.

Have Michael Clifford and Laila Rain split up?

Just over two weeks ago, singer and guitarist of 5 Seconds of Summer, the voices behind the number 1 single Youngblood, Michael Clifford and supermodel Laila Rain came public with their relationship, which has reportedly been going on behind the scenes for months prior. Has their relationship already hit rock bottom?

Last night, fans of Michael Clifford and his band spotted Laila in public, but what's more is that they spotted her with a mystery male.

"We saw them acting really close and giddy with each other, and it didn't seem like the type of closeness that friends have so we kept an eye on them. We got out our phones once they started being really close, and that's when we got the pictures of them kissing," one anonymous fan reported.

So, have Michael Clifford and Laila Rain parted ways, or has Laila been caught in an affair with another man?

Stay tuned for more information at our official twitter account and website.

"She is gonna get into so much trouble," I laughed.

"What? No, Michael, this is bad. Steve is gonna make this situation worse," Ashton explained.


"I don't know, but trust me, he is,"

"Ashton's right, remember when we started losing popularity after She Looks So Perfect died down, so Steve set me up with Jessie? Jessie got caught with that other guy, and Steve somehow turned it all around then made us waste even more time on that stupid publicity stunt that didn't even do anything," Luke reasoned.

I stared blankly into space, before grabbing my own phone from my pocket and opening twitter.

"What are you doing?" Calum asked.

"Something stupid," I said, typing out a tweet.

"Michael, tell us what you're doing," Ashton demanded.

I didn't reply, and instead I continued typing out the tweet. Ashton tried to take my phone from my hands, and succeeded, but before he managed to take it, I pressed 'tweet'.

He stared at my screen, waiting for my tweet to load so he could see what I put.

And judging by his face, he saw it.

"What the fuck, Michael!" he exclaimed.

"What did he do?" Calum asked, standing up and looking at my phone over Ashton's shoulder, "oh my god,"

"Show me!" Luke shouted, getting up as well, "Michael, you idiot!"

"Now Steve can't do anything," I shrugged.

"You are so stupid. 'Laila didn't cheat on me, we were never even dating. It was a publicity stunt,'  I didn't think you could be so daft," Ashton scolded.

"You need to delete it," Calum said.

"Thousands of people have seen it already, Calum!' Luke said.

I snatched my phone from Ashton's hand, before climbing upstairs and turning my phone off before Steve sees it.


So I'm aware that I most likely fucked up, but hey, look at the bright side. Now Steve won't be able to force me back into a relationship with her.

And, I never even said I was gay, so it's a win-win situation.

I hope.

I mean, Steve will be bat-shit pissed but I can power through his scolding. 

So, I'll update you on how Twitter and my uptight manager has reacted to this tomorrow.

Goodnight, Kent.

P.S I love you Ashton.

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