Chapter 2 ~ Mystery

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Song: Camila Cabello - I Have Questions


Seating myself in front of dad's desk, I noticed deep-set frown lines marring his forehead. "Arabella, will you calm down? I'm sure it's nothing; I will call Vi later and have her contact you immediately, now? I have our son in front of me, we have business to discuss... yes, yes, babe..." He looked up at me, his golden browns meeting my hazels. "Your mother says she loves you," I can't help but smile, "yes babe, he loves you too... of course, he did, the words came from his mouth... Goodbye Arabella."

Once he hung up dad slouched back in his chair, I nodded my head slightly in question, "what's going on?"

He scratched the back of his neck, "your mother thinks Viola is up to something and she won't answer Arabella back, so, now I get to be involved."

I shrugged, "she probably is up to something, we are talking about Vi here."

He scoffed, "fucken kids." He curses more to the heavens than me, "right, I have a massive potential glorified opportunity coming in tomorrow; she will be representing her husband's company, Tri-Star Global. I have no idea why we are meeting with his wife on this, instead of the CEO, Tritium Xeal (zeal), never the less, she has put the company up for sale and we are thinking about taking it over. I need you to look into the accounts, resources and marketing but before any of that happens, we need to know her requesting price which she will only do, upfront."

"From what I hear they make a great turn over, so why sell?" My curiosity was piqued.

"I don't know, something about 'personal reasons' was all I heard."

"If you procure the documentation from her for me to investigate, it could take months? Why not get a team..."

But dad cut me off, "no, you. This is a delicate matter, considering the intent to sell went out worldwide and we were the only company she has accepted to meet with. We need our best minds on this; I need everything kept close and personal."

"What times the meeting tomorrow?"

"Two and expect it to be a late one."

I nodded in understanding and left dads office. Yes, it always is a late one when a meeting begins in the afternoon. Shit, I hated when people did that, it would mean I would need a stress reliever in the form of a nice wet pussy but I doubt I'd even be bothered to put in the effort.

Secretly, I wanted what mum and dad had but being who we are, you have to be careful who you get attached to you. Dad warned me from a young age about social climbing leaches and at first, I thought he was full of it but now, I understand. Women in this city are after money banks that can provide them with a lavish lifestyle and a full calendar of exclusive events that get them prime photography time, allowing them the spotlight rather than seeking their own fame.

No, a trophy wife was not for me, I wanted something stronger but I am also a man, hence why I found Mystery222 on that app. It's meant to be specifically for a random fuck but every other woman, apart from last night, they have tried to cling and stay, thinking they could be more than that.

After scouring the net, looking for information on Tri-Star Global, I could only really find pictures of the CEO and nothing on his wife, apart from side-on shots, always wearing sunglasses. I sighed, oh well; guess we'll find out who we are dealing with tomorrow.


After another sleepless night of being haunted by alluring cobalt blue eyes, I was feeling more than just exhausted. I was horny and irritable which is a bad combination heading into a business deal.

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