She spun around, wet flying hands immediately coming up to protect herself. More agents came out from the seemingly empty stalls, making her mentally face palm. How could she be so stupid? She swiftly wiped her hands on the dress she was wearing, attempting to dry them. The man at the front, one she weirdly couldn't recognise, began to speak.
"Good to see you again, Y/N. I've seen you've reunited with your friends?" He smiled wickedly as he spoke, venom dripping off every word. She stared at him, not daring to say anything. "But as they say... all good things come to an end. So you're coming with us, soldier."
Agents came flooding in on Y/N, trying to grab her by every limb. She kicked and trashed, freeing herself. She began to kick and punch at the ones closest to she, fighting her way free from their circle around her. There were only a few left. One boy, one girl. The girl looked seemingly easy to take down, but her twitching fist told Y/N otherwise. She went for the boy, kicking him in the private area before bringing the back of his head down on her knee. He let out a strained scream as he dropped to the ground.
The girl stared at her blankly, and the man began to speak once again. "This young lady here, is something I've been mixing up for a while. She is the newest of the bunch, but the most advanced. She has fighting skills that could easily take both you and your brother down." The man seemed confident. Y/N decided to test his theory.
Y/N pretended to swing a fist at the side of her head, before retracting it and hitting her in the stomach in one foul swoop. She grunted, not showing any pain. She grabbed her fist, twisting it with one hand. With the other, the girl kicked at her legs, making her fall to her knees. "Oops." The girl shrugged innocently, before she felt a prick to her neck, followed by darkness.

Fanfiction> When Steve Rogers and his best friend Bucky Barnes find someone important from their past, their life has to drastically alter in order to keep them safe Highest ranks #1 Buckybarnesfanfic #2 steverogersimagine {unedited} [ALL CREDIT GOES TO MAR...