I Don't Know You Anymore

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After Mr Panitchayasawad had dealt with the 5 young men his next step was going after Pha. Pha was going to suffer a fate worse then death for what he had done to his baby boy. No one messes with his family and gets away with it. Being such a high class business man he has had the privilege of meeting Mr and Mrs Kongthanin since he has donated money to their hospital on several occasions. He knew full well that Pha's parents would disapprove of their son's actions. Not only would it look bad if the media got a hold of it, their business could suffer without Mr Panitchayasawad's help. Yes they owned a very successful hospital but mostly because Mr Panitchayasawad not only donated large sums when needed but also held a 20% stake in the company. He was a silent parter. Not even the Kongthanin's knew he had shares in their hospital. 

Mr Panitchayasawad had faith that once Pha's parents learned of the truth they would disown their son. Even with his help the truth of Yo's death would come out one day and it could destroy all the hard work Mr Kongthanin has put in to make his hospital the success it is today. This was only the beginning. Pha was going to locked away behind bars for the rest of his life. He would live to regret his actions, even begging for the sweet release of death but forced to suffer through it all. Pha was going to lose everything, even his will to live. 

The first course of action was to gather a private meeting with the Kongthanin's and tell them everything, letting them see the truth of their beloved son Pha. He was their only child so, even after discovering the truth, if they stood by their son he was ready to tear their perfect little world apart. Leaving them nothing but the memories. They would be ruined and all Mr Kongthanin's hard work will have gone down the drain. 

It was 2 weeks after the 5 young men were sent to that seemingly abandoned warehouse, where they were forced to work as sex slaves, that Mr Panitchayasawad set up a meeting with the Kongthanin's. He had all the evidence he needed and was ready to strike if all hell broke loose. Mr and Mrs Kongthanin were in for one rude awaking. 

When they heard about the important meeting set up with Mr Panitchayasawad they were confused. Maybe he was going to make another fairly large donation to the hospital, or even pay for some new equipment. What surprised them the most was Mr Panitchayasawad's secretary told them Pha was to be present at the meeting and no exceptions. The didn't understand what Mr Panitchayasawad himself was getting at but they knew better than anyone else not to go against him. He wasn't the most powerful business man in Thailand for nothing. He was seen as a sweet, kind, caring, loving family man but he could also tear you down like a pack of cards. You put one foot out of line and you could say bye bye to the life you once had.  Only Mr Daichapanya ever stood up to him, they were best friends after all and stood by one another through thick and thin.

The meeting had finally arrived. At around 1 o'clock in the afternoon Mr and Mrs Kongthanin, along with their son, entered the Panitchayasawad building and made their way to the head office where Mr Panitchayasawad was waiting for them. When they had made it to the top floor one of the secretaries lead the Kongthanin family towards the office where the meeting was to be taken place. Unlike the rest of the building Mr Panitchayasawad's office was sound proof, which was good for this type of meeting. He didn't want someone to leak this sensitive news to the media. 

"Ah welcome Mr and Mrs Kongthanin or should I say Singe and Anna. I see you brought Pha with you very good" he spoke in a commanding yet calm manner. He shook their hands before gesturing them to take a seat. "Now I know you're probably wonder why I brought you all here today?" Mr Panitchayasawad stated in an authoritative manner. Mr and Mrs Mingthanin nodded their heads while Pha had a hunch as to what was about to happen and was terrified. Mr Panitchayasawad saw the look on Pha's face and a small smirk appears on his. 

He took a moment to himself before he began to speak again "As you are aware. My son had recently killed himself." The others sat there in silence, not able to speak. "I had found out some very disturbing news. Some of which are related to your son Pha." Mrs Kongthanin was shocked. How was Yo's suicide in anyway related to Pha. He knew how much Pha loved the boy and would never do anything to hurt him. Mr Kongthanin spoke up "What has my boy got to do with your sons tragic death?" 

There was a slight pause before Mr Panitchayasawad spoke again, this time with a hint of anger and frustration "Well I've come to learn that during the past several months Yo had been sexually harassed, even raped by a few students and it all lead back to Pha." Mrs Kongthanin was mortified. She had no idea Yo had been struggling with this but was unsure as to how Pha was related. "But what has this got to do with my son?" she asked a little nervously. 

Mr Panitchayasawad took a deep breath before speaking again "I had come to learn that all this sexual harassment started because of a leaked sex tape of Pha and Yo together." Both Mr and Mrs Kongthanin were horrified but it still didn't make sense as to why Pha was responsible. For all we know that tape could have been recorded without their knowledge or even Yo recorded it himself. As if predicting Mr Kongthanin's thoughts Mr Panitchayasawad spoke in a calm yet chilling manner "It was discovered that not only did Pha rape Yo that night but he filmed the whole thing and leaked the footage online. All in the hopes of claiming Yo publicly."  

Neither of Pha's parents could believe what they were hearing. "There must be some mistake. Our Pha could never do such a thing, he loved Yo more than anything" Mrs Kongthanin replied. As if expecting this Mr Panitchayasawad played the recorded confession of Pha that was sent to him from Ming. As the message played out the look of horror on both Pha's parents faces were seen clear as day as they finally knew the truth of their son. Pha tried to make himself as small as possible, but it was hard to do with Yo's father right in front of him. 

After several minutes of silence Mr Kongthanin was the first to speak. He turned to Pha before raising his voice slightly "How could you do such a thing? What did Yo ever do to deserve such a harsh treatment. Didn't we teach you right from wrong son?" Pha didn't know what to say, he just sat there staring into the abyss. "I am ashamed to even call you my son. This is just despicable. Who in their right mind would do such a thing, and all over a bloody kiss. Even after Yo had cleared it up you still felt the need to claim him?" Mr Kongthanin was furious by now. Pha couldn't say anything, knowing that no matter what came out of his mouth wouldn't change a thing. He had royally screwed up. 

"You are no longer my son Pha. What you did is unforgivable and I hope you suffer for the rest of your life." With that he gets up and walks right out of the office. Mrs Kongthanin hasn't said a word since the recorded confession but tears were spilling out of her eyes. She couldn't believe her son was so cruel. This wasn't the boy she had raised, he was now a complete stranger. She slowly got up and stepped closer to Pha before slapping him hard in the face. "You better hope Mr Panitchasawad shows you mercy because me and your father won't be here to bail you out." With that she walked out of the office to catch up with her husband. 

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