Royalty POV
I was finally discharged from the hospital today and on my way home but baby girl and Qua had to stay for a extra month or so. I got in the passenger seat of Sets truck and got comfortable he agreed to help out wit the kids and anything else I may need while healing and since Qua isn't here. I was still planning to pop up on this hoe once I was able to fully move my lower half cuz if she think this shit was going to be let go she had another thing coming.
Once we got home I got out and made my way up the steps to the front door. I was still tired and sore from having Genesis but in the end all this pain was worth it cuz my baby is okay. I went into the living room too see almost everybody here
"Hey guys" I smiled
"Our princess doesn't come home yet?" Keshia pouted
"No, she stays for another month and so does Quavious but they'll be here before you know it"
I engaged in more conversation with everybody else pretty soon I went upstairs with the girls since they wanted more details and information and apparently something majorly important to tell me.
I placed my stuff by the closet and went to sit on the bed to discuss this whole situation
"So... I know this hoe had to pop up eventually after that publicity stunt she pulled five years ago posting that video on YouTube of her and Qua arguing" Jewel mentioned
"Well the whole reason he was in that car accident cuz she made him believe he was a woman beater and that he was no good.. I mean true Qua has done his dirt in our relationship but that doesn't necessarily mean that's who he is as a person" I explained
"Exactly, But we got other problems other than that" Brittni added
"What is it?" I asked
"You know Yasmine has a brother?" They asked
(in case you missed Dreams daughter Yasmine which is Royalty's younger sister)
"What?!" I yelled a little louder than I intended. "When the hell did Dream have another baby?"
"Apparently before she planned to try and get back at you and Qua this time around.. this hoe was plotting on y'all this whole time while she was pregnant"
I shook my head running my fingers through my hair. I felt as time goes on all of this was gonna be nothing but drama
"So does anybody know where he is?"
"Foster home.." Keshia shrugged. "But she's gone now so don't worry about her"
I nodded and laid back closing my eyes... this shit was not the move, but what could happen if nobody really knows.
I woke up checking my phone too see a had a missed call from Qua. I called him back and his answered almost immediately"Hey babe" I smiled a little
"Look who I got" He moved the camera down some and Genesis was laying on his chest sleeping. "They let me hold her and change her diaper"
"I guess I should've stuck around a little longer" I chuckled lightly
"You can come tomorrow... she need to feel her mommas touch"
"I know.. anyway how's she doing? Well the both of you"
"We good... I'll be glad when I can come home and sleep in my bed with you" He smirked
"Knowing you you'll wanna do more then sleep" I laughed
"Whatever, But on another note I'm sorry for what happened and causing you to have baby girl a little earlier than what we needed too... and for trying to leave you" He sighed
"It's fine she's here, she's healthy and you're still alive and that's all that matters"
"How you feeling tho?" He looked at me
"I'm fine still tired.. I guess I should get as much rest as possible before she comes home"
"Alright I'll let you get some rest.. I love you"
"I love you more" I hung up laying back down
Everything & everybody was fine.
Quavious POV
The nurse came and laid Genesis back down and changed her IV packet. She was doing really well but I knew she still had a little ways to go before she could actually come home.
I got up staring down at her as she slept peacefully and her chest slowly rose up and down.
"She's your last?" The nurse asked
"Yeah" I chuckled. "She's the last for the Huncho"
She smiled a little. "I see you interacting with your other children on social media and I must say your an amazing father.. very rare do you see a black man stepping up to his responsibilities and you actually married the girl that had your children.. you get all my respect" She looked up at me from her clip board
"Thank you... I try to do the best I can and raise them the right way and don't let the world change who they are"
"Well you're doing an amazing job"
I nodded and said my goodbyes and headed back to my room. Maybe right now isn't my time to leave.. I had kids to raise and a wife I couldn't leave behind.. I gotta stick around and do it for my family.
They the reason I go as hard as I do.
🤗Told y'all I was bringing the old cast back🤗
😶if you can't remember half of them go back and re read book 1😶
🤔How y'all feeling bout Dream having another baby?🤔
🙌🏾That nurse was speaking facts tho!🙌🏾
❤️Genesis still okay❤️

Royalty III // Quavo&India
FanfictionAfter a near death experience Quavo and India are back and ready to start a fresh NEW life! But will that last long when old enemies comeback around?