Chapter 10. Felvins

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The next week Indigo returned to school. She hadn't missed much and spent her breaks in the library with Quinn reading A Guide to the Magical Realm.

"You know Quinn, this book is written on funny paper," Indigo commented.

"Yeah, it's kinda like parchment," Quinn responded.

Neither of them noticed Mrs. Kelps kept glancing in their direction as she put some books on the shelves.

"Wow, I've never heard of a Felvin, before," said Indigo pointing at the book. Quinn nodded.

"I've never heard of it before either." They studied the picture on the page. It looked like a small human with pointy ears, long fingers, no eyebrows and with no nails on its fingers.

"Woah! They don't even have nails," said Quinn pointing at the end of the creature's fingers.

"That's really strange..." Indigo said looking at her small, small nails.

"Indigo, I'm not trying to offend you but, did you notice that their features are similar to yours?" Quinn asked. Indigo nodded then started reading the paragraph.

"Felvins. Felvins are rare, magical creatures that roam the magic realm. There existence only started in the last thousand years or so and have continued to breed for centuries, making them hard to become extinct. Their names are what represents their powers. The name Felvin came from their breeding mix. A Felvin is a combination of a faery, elf and a goblin. The faery part gives a Felvin it's shape-shifting power. The elf part gives a Felvin it's height. The goblin part gives a Felvin it's body limbs and design. Felvins that have brown eyes were equally powerful to elves and other brown-eyed creatures. Felvins that were more powerful than brown-eyed Felvins and elves, had blue or green eyes. The most powerful Felvins had deep purple or indigo coloured eyes. Those Felvins were supposed to have as much power as a wind Faery," she finished slowly.

"That's it!" said Quinn excitedly. "That's what you are! A Felvin!"

"Woah...woah! Wait a sec! Slow down Quinn! I'm not a Felvin! You're just jumping into conclusions!" Indigo said.

"Am I?" smirked Quinn pointing at the drawing of the Felvin.

"Listen Quinn, just because I look like a Felvin doesn't mean I am one. It's just probably some freaky coincidence," Indigo scoffed.

"Yeah, well, I don't think so," muttered Quinn. "Look at all the facts! It all fits! I mean look at your eyebrows! They're so thin that they're hardly there."

"Do you have a problem with that?" asked Indigo coldly, narrowing her eyes at Quinn.

"No I don't - but look!" he said grabbing her arm, gesturing to the picture of the Felvin.

"I mean look at its nails - they're like yours..."

"I'm so flattered," said Indigo, her voice dripping with sarcasm, as she started to get up from her seat.

"Indigo wait!" Quinn cried as she started to walk away.

"Please stay! I -"

"Good-bye!!!" spat Indigo, as she stalked out of the library.

"Indigo..." moaned Quinn weakly. He looked back at the book.

A small paragraph that they hadn't read caught his eye. He looked closer at it, starting to read. The Legend of the Last Indigo Felvin

Thousands of years ago, all of the creatures and inhabitants of the Magical Realm lived in harmony, with no wars, debates or conflicts. indigo-eyed Felvins lived happily and peacefully among all the other Felvins and magical creatures. They used their powerful magic for good and helping others in need. The Magical Realm was like that for thousands apon thousands of years. The indigo-eyed Felvins owned a rare and magical plant that could heal any wound if the injured person drank it's nectar. It was called the Amio Plant and it had been guarded by the indigo-eyed Felvins for centuries. Then one day, a green-eyed Felvin girl got tired of all the attention that the indigo-eyed Felvins were getting and decided to get some attention for herself. Rallying the most dangerous and powerful creatures of the Realm, she tricked them into killing all the indigo-eyed Felvins and then stealing the Amio Plant. Luckily, one family that had been visiting some Faerys on the other side of the Realm survived the awful killings. They quickly went into hiding as soon as they knew what had happened to protect their newly born baby girl. The green-eyed Felvin girl declared herself Queen of the Realm and named it Ivy Tree after herself. She created borders separting all the different creatures from each other and forced the Felvins and elves to become her slaves. The rest of the Realm did not like it, and tried to fight Ivy. The Realm went into war and Queen Ivy won. She trapped some mermaids in the ocean, underneath a tropical bit of land in the middle of the sea, called Som Brato Island. She put other mermaids under the island of The Point of Farthest From. She had spies travel around the entire Realm to see if anything was not the way she liked it. One spy found out that one indigo-eyed Felvin family had survived. Infuriated, the green-eyed Felvin girl ordered her guards to go find and kill them. The parents opened a portal to the human world and put their baby girl through, hoping she could grow up there and lead a better life. Eventually, the guards found the Felvins and killed them. Satisfied that she thought that she'd killed all the indigo-eyed Felvins, she hid the Amio Plant where no one knew and relaxed in her new position. Five years later, she gave birth to a baby girl, whom she named Sotia. Sotia was too young to take the throne so she had to wait until she was old enough. Soon Ivy fell deathly ill with a disease called Black Death. She tried to tell Sotia where the plant was, but Sotia couldn't understand her. Ivy passed away within the same week, and Sotia inherited the throne. Years passed, and she grew up, not completely following in her mother's footsteps. She knew nothing of indigo-eyed Felvins and how her mother had murdered them. The only creature in the Realm that knew of the indigo-eyed baby girl's possible existence was an Ice Faery named Icealana. She told all the other good creatures in the Realm and then vanished forever. The Magical Realm's creatures still await the day of the return of their lost heir. Quinn slammed the book shut and muttered,

"That was intense..."

DRINNNNGGG! The bell ran; the lunch break was over. He would have to talk to Indigo about this, and he'd have to do it soon.

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