deceitful head

13 4 2

The pain the pain

I feel the pain

She feels the pain

He feels the pain

But does she care


Does he care


Who will come and help me when my pain turns to


Who will hold me

Dear too they're hearts

Who will walk with me through the starless nights

And help me find the will to fight

Pay for happiness with tears

Live through my greatest fears

But still stay stagnant in the life that is before me

Who will heal me

Jumping from one personality too another

It makes my head spin

No other

Could find this bother

All by myself trapped in my head

But I will explode if provoked

But my silence is my freedom

For which I will hold.

Rhema Hayworth

Chapter one

she sits in her chair peering at the stars wondering .if she herself could ever feel this free

only if the stars were me for only I could feel this free if the stars were me glimmering shining twinlking in the radiance burning balls luminosity touching me making me feel whole

but im in a hole six feet deep

barrying myself as i go

as long as I keep trying to fight

its clearly not for me

....but I am free

I drop my pencil in fustration trying too come up ,with the last line for my poem

...but I am free


.wait I can leave it as that I am free

?But am I really

Am I really unrestricted

sometimes I need a reminder of who I am really sometimes, I cant find myself and I feel like im swimming in a little pool of self doubt and hurt but some people tell me to "keep swimmingyou will get there one day," but the current wins everytime

freedom is my balnce I like too think of how much I have but my thoughts override this and make me .regret my freedom

I crumple my papers and walk over too my bed and flop down on it savering the feeling of the feelimg of the hard cold matress catching me enrapturing me in the sense .of indemnity

after all I mind as well enjoy this im in here for ever.

I close my eyes trying too pull myself back too earth ,doing as my doctor told me imagining something I love and imagine being surrounded indulged in it,

so I imagine my frineds the little I had but am more than greatful of and my sister who I loved too the end of the universe and back but it does not take long for those dark thought to take over my head and burn the edges of my vision and make me feel like im falling and falling and falling until im in my head again black unconcious and fuzzy


I still have her whole finger nails.


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