The flight is extremely long and terrible. Every inch of me hurts and I don't know what to do or where we are going. All I can do is think of Blue and how much she is going to hate me. Knowing that I try to remember everything I can about her, like her beautiful smile, he soft chestnut hair, her in general.The thing I know I will never forget about her well at least physically is her eyes. Her name wasn't the only reason why I nicknamed her Blue. Those eyes of hers I swear they can strike fear into any mans heart but also bring them to their knees. I remember a time when her eyes weren't so comforting though, it was the night she fully changed.
"Blue keep fighting please. Don't give up." I beg as she lays next to the hole in the wall. Her skin was ghostly pale and her hair wasn't as light but the most heartbreaking was her eyes lost their shine or spark. She had given up and was giving into the starvation they were putting her through. My poor Blue was just skin and bone.
I was sure with every treatment they gave her it would be her last. Her body couldn't take much more of it. Hell with every treatment she would scream less and less, almost as if she was numb to it all. "I can't do this anymore Bucky."she whispered. "No Blue please just hold on."
Her hand reaches for mine but just barely makes it through the hole. I start to break away at the wall, just enough for me to crawl through. She looks so week and frail. Gently I cradle her in my arms and sit against the wall. Her skin is so cold, she tries to get as close to me as she possibly can.
"I hope you remember me Bucky, I'll always remember you." "Please Blue just hold on. Please, please don't go..." "I need to go Bucky. I can't handle it anymore. Please let me go." My lip quivers as I just hold her tightly. She and I remain that way for what feels like hours. Thankfully she is still breathing but very weakly.
Suddenly the door to her cell swings open, revealing the ass doing his two her. "Grab them!" I hold on to her even tighter, I'm not letting them hurt her. Two men charge in and try grabbing her. I kick at them, still holding her until I take a hit on the back my head. My grip weakens and they pull her from me.
"Bucky."she attempts to cry out but she so weak her voice can barely go above a whisper. "Blue! Blue!" The men lead us out of her cell and strap me to the table. They hold her up and make her watch as they start to electrocute my mind. I scream at the pain, trying to hold on to my memories. "Stop! Please stop!"she some how cries.
The pain is so much. "Stop! I'll take his place! Please take me! Take me! I'll do whatever you want just please don't hurt him." The machine switches off as they look at her. She some how finds the strength to stand on her own. "Unstrap him."the doctor says. "Blue don't do this."I beg but she refuses to look at me. "Blue please!" "Enough Bucky! If you stop hurting him then I will do whatever you want no matter what."
The doctor nods his head towards the chair I was just strapped into. They place all sorts of things on her as she lays there, almost deathly still. She screams as they turn it on, her nails gripping the chair so tightly I thought she might break it. Suddenly sparks start shooting from the machine making it catch fire. I watch in fear as her chest jumps up and her screams stop and her eyes close.
Oh god please no. They pull the restraints off of her and lift her limp body from the chair. As soon as they pick her up sparks fly from her body making them drop her. Just after she makes contact with the ground her eyes fly open and look at me. The way her now glowing blue eyes looked at me was almost alien like. Almost as if she was trying to recognize me and understand what I was all at once. They were quite mesmerizing.
"Remarkable."The doctor gasps. After a few seconds the glow of her eyes fades. Everything in her seems to relax. Her eyes look to her hands in amazement and confusion. I finally start to relax as she turns to me again. "Bring her food, we need her strong for my plans."
"Buck wake up we are here." My eyes slowly open to the sound of Steve's voice. "Where are we?" We land and a door opens, light cascading over this figure. "Captain."he says. Once he steps into the light I can clearly see his face. "Welcome to Wakanda."
"Sure about this?"asks Steve as he sticks his hands in his pockets. I can tell he's a little upset about my choice even though he is putting on a brave face. I also know he doesn't want to have to deliver the news to Blue. His eyes just stair deeply into mine. "I can't trust my own mind. So until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing."
He just nods as he looks to his feet. "What about Blue? What do I tell her?" I pause for a moment feeling my heart break at the words he has to tell her. "Tell her to not look for me. Tell her to let me go." His eyes shoot to mine. "This is the best way I can keep everyone safe, including her." With that they strap me in and turn the machine on, cool air hitting my skin as I close my eyes.

Shock Waves ~Bucky Barns~
Fanfiction"He's my soldier and there is no way in hell I'm letting Stark or anyone else take him from me!" Book 1 of Shock Waves series