13. Why Val?

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Naomi slept in a pitch-black room. A sharp whistle pierced the silence, but it did not wake her. Something knocked on the window. She turned away from it, captured by a dream of being pursued by darkness that swallowed every living thing. It consumed the pavement and houses on either side of her as she ran. Trees collapsed and fell into the gaping abyss. She pumped her fist and broke into a sprint. Val materialized out of nothing, wearing a flowing black robe, a flash of white light behind her. Val's hair blew in the wind, her eyes were bright, almost glowing. Naomi took Val's outstretched hand and was pulled into her embrace. Comfort, warmth, support- the things Naomi often took for granted rushed over her. As their bodies pressed together, she felt the pulsations of Val's heart. Val slipped a wooden wand from her pant's pocket and pointed it at the black nothingness that swept towards them.

A loud knock shook the dream world. Val braced for impact, hunkering down and muttering a spell. The edges of the black hole started to dissipate; a giant groan and gust of wind left the mass. It started to retreat, spitting out cars, trees and houses as they were before- in the right place and in perfect condition. It receded farther as if travelling to the very ends of the earth. Val whispered something into her ear, but Naomi couldn't hear over that cursed knocking. Why wouldn't that terrible noise stop?

Naomi's eyes flashed open; her senses were groggy as she sat on the mattress. She shook herself awake and slapped her cheeks. That was the last time she would read Harry Potter before bed. The knock echoed throughout the room. Naomi saw a fist rapping against the window. She focused her eyes and made out a pair of muddy white shoes balanced on the outer ledge. Long legs covered most of the glass. She checked the alarm clock on the dresser next to her head. 3:15. 

Picking up her tired bones, Naomi turned on the light and opened the window, removing the mesh to let the visitor in. Val swung herself inside, and onto the hardwood floor, promptly removing her shoes so she wouldn't track dirt through the house. Naomi knew Val had climbed the bricks with the help of the drainpipe. Val didn't seem to mind doing stupid things that Naomi warned her about. The taller girl was wearing a thin shirt; the chill outside caused goosebumps to spread across her slender arms; the tiny hairs stood upright. She told Naomi, "What took you so long? Do you know how long I was out there for?"

Naomi clamped a hand on Val's mouth and checked to see if anyone else had awoken. When she was sure no one had, she spoke in a harsh whisper, "First, do not yell at me in my own house. Second, are you trying to wake my parents and get us both in trouble? Third, I gave you a freaking key; use it and stop climbing things like an ape." She let her hand fall.

Val said, "You know we come from apes, so I'm technically half ape, half human. Hence, I'm not insulted by that. And I left your key at home."

Naomi shook her head, puzzled. "That makes no sense. And you could have texted to say you were coming over."

"I did, but you didn't respond," Val's whisper was as harsh and pointed as Naomi's.

Naomi stepped forward and asked, "Was that before midnight or after?"

"When do you sleep at midnight?"

"When I have school the next day and by the way, so do you."

Val waved the notion away. "School's overrated." She started to strip her shirt off, her muscles rippling along her back. She dropped it on the floor and walked over to the bed. "Can I sleep here?" She ran a finger over the patterned blanket, casting a longing look at the embroidered gold stairs that ran the length of the cozy material.

"Did you shower?"

Val's face froze as she thought for a moment. "No, probably not."

"Then do that." 

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