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"Omgomgomgomg Club festival is coming up!"

"What about it?"

"Are you serious? Club Festival is everything fun!" Yuna said jumping giddily.

"Nah, only you think its fun. Let me spell it out for you.. it is b-o-r-i-n-g." Jaemin stuck his tongue out at her earning a slap on his arm.

"Tch, boring for you because you cant even get anywhere with girls flocking around you." Yuna said smiling in triumph.

Miyu sat quietly watching them bicker. She stifled a laugh when they began tugging each other's hair.

Omg this so cute.

"Whats so funny?" Jaemin and Yuna stop bickering at look at Miyu holding her laughter. Instantly, Miyu had her usual poker face like nothing happened.

"Nothing. Dont mind me." Miyu waved them off.

"What about you, do you like Club Festival?" Jaemin asked nibbling on a cookie that a girl had gave him earlier. Yuna made a face at him while eating one too.

"Poor girl, hoping to get a reply from you by giving you this cookies but you chose to share with us instead. Jaemin is a meanie." Yuna said jabbing her fingers at him and Jaemin shushed her with another cookie.

"Hmm.. I never really went I don't know." Miyu said pondering.

Yuna let out a gasp that made her choke on the cookie crumbs.

Jaemin laughed at her silliness while Miyu frowned and gently rub her back. "Easy there Yuna.."

"What do you mean you havent gone to the festival? This is our last year as high school student! You should come I swear to god." Yuna held both of Miyu's hand, pleading her to come.

"Im going if youre going.. Crowds make me uneasy." Miyu looked down to her shoes.

"Obvy Miyu! I never miss a chance to go."

Jaemin was about to say something when his teammates called. "Na! Come play for a friendly match!"

"Coming right up!" He replied.

"See ya." Jaemin bopped Miyu's nose and jogged to the basketball court. His fluffy light brown hair bounced cutely, Miyu cant help but to imagine his hair as cotton candy.

"How does a guy's hair look so effortlessly nice while us girls had to be extra in taking care of this. I mean, I took 15 minutes to make my hair look at least presentable enough." Yuna grumbled while eating more cookies. Miyu shook her head at the girl.

"When is the festival? I hope I don't have anything important on that day for me to come." Miyu said watching Yuna eat a little too happy.

"Next week. Its going to be so fun! Making memories is the best you know. Plus, other schools will be here too. Meeting new people, making new friends or even boyfriends." Yuna whispered the last part. Miyu giggled at her words.

Yuna should have a boyfriend by now.

Miyu suddenly remembered what Jaemin told her before.

"Is Haechan coming?"

"Yeah. Every year. Mostly because he had a crush on someone in this school so this festival is his only reason to see her." Yuna said nonchalantly.

Ehh? A crush?

"Do you know who?" Miyu said carefully, watching her behavior. Yuna just shrugged and ate her tenth cookie.

"He didn't want to tell me when I asked. He just said 'It is not the time yet.' So I guess its someone I know."

Miyu rubbed her temples at Yuna's obliviousness.

This girl is worser than me when it comes to being alert.



Miyu rolled her eyes at the person's direction while waiting for him to catch up. The boy grinned as he come close to her.

"Why do you call me that? Its Mi-yu, Jaemin. What if I start calling you 'Jamming'?" Miyu starts walking towards the hospital.

"Jamming as in jamming to music? I dont know. Its cute dont you think? Miyu as Mi-ow cat hehe." Jaemin bumped her shoulder purposely.

"Sure Na Jaemin. Are you going to the hospital too?"


"Is your back okay? Did it hurt again?" Miyu asked worriedly. Jaemin just silently walked beside her and pulled out a mint.

"Want one?"

"Dont ignore me.."

"It is melon flavored."

Miyu held out her hand instantly as she heard 'MELON'. Jaemin mused her hair and gave her two mints while stifling a laugh.

"Miyu is funny."

"Im glad." Miyu retorted back. "Im serious.. are you okay?" She said looking at him worriedly. Jaemin looked away scrunching his nose. He feel like if Miyu looked too long in his eyes, she would easily read him.

"Ah, what food are you making tomorrow? Its Bento Day." The boy ignored her again while grinning.

"No chance of backing down huh? Idk maybe the usual egg and sausage." Miyu sighed giving up the subject as Jaemin shows no hint of telling her.

"So are you going to that festival?" Jaemin continued holding Miyu's bag strap.

"Yeah. I kinda promised Yuna on this one and I can always leave if the crowd gets unbearable."

Jaemin hummed. " Then, as your social guardian Im going too." Miyu paused.

"I thought you dont like it?" Miyu looked at him meaningfully.

"Maybe this year is going to be different since its our last." Jaemin nodded.

"Oh and when you decide to leave, hit me up." Jaemin added nudging her while plastering his heavenly smile.


Miyu greeted the nurses and doctors as usual as she strode in the hospital to her father's office. Jaemin had bid goodbye when they arrived earlier. In the end, he still ddnt tell her why is he going to the hospital again.


"Hi pumpkin. How was school?" Miyu's dad asked her while scribbling on the medical papers.

"Yuna ate a lot of cookies today, should I be worried?"


Miyu watched her dad distractedly hummed focusing on his work. She smiled softly.

"Otousan, Are you getting proper rest?" Miyu asked meaningfully as she walked to his desk. Her father hummed again. Miyu sat on one of the chair and she saw Jaemin's name on one of the papers scattered on the table.

"Oh, Jaemin came here again. Is he okay?"

Miyu's father looked up from his work when he hear his only daughter asking about a boy. 

This is rare. He thought.

"He is fine. He just have a normal checkup every now and then to make sure his backpain is not severe." This time, Miyu hummed and rested her head on the table.

"I hope he doesnt hide his pain so much.."


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