Will you...

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~~~~~~~~A Week Later In London~~~~~~~~~

Harry's POV

"Guys I'm really nervous..." my voice was shaky as I was talking to the boys.

"Don't worry Hazza I'm sure she'll love it" Louis replied

"I'm more worried that she will say no"

"Hazza don't worry she loves you I'm sure she'll say yes" Liam assured me

"Thanks Li"

He just smiled and we walked out of the shop and I went to go get ready for tonight.

Maria's POV

We arrived in London this morning and Harry asked me to come out for dinner with him tonight for our 1 year anniversary. So the girls were helping me get ready.

"I think you should wear this dress" Nina said pointing to the dress Ella was holding. It was a loose black dress with a bow in the middle. It was just above my knee. I nodded my head agreeing with Nina.

"Ooh and maybe these shoes with them" Kayla said grabbing one of the shoes that Jazi was holding. They were black and white high heels. I nodded my head again.

"And this necklace, these earrings and this bracelet" Gemma said showing of the pieces of jewelry that Maya was holding.

The necklace was a silver one with a heart on it that my brother had gotten me when I turned 13 which was 6 years ago since I was 19 today. The bracelet was a plain gold one that was really special to me since my grandmother had given it to me. And last but not least my earrings were well there's no story behind them they were just silver hearts that matched my necklace.

"Guys thank you so much for helping me pick out my outfi-" that was all I could before Maya shouted.


"Ok I'm going" I replied.

I grabbed my dress and headed to the bathroom. I took a shower and put on my bra and undies then some black shorts and one of Harry's t-shirts. I walked out of the bathroom and the girls started to do my hair.

Since it was straight they lightly curled it and just left it loose on my right shoulder. I went back into the bathroom and put my dress on after taking off the black shorts and t-shirt. I put on my heels and put my earrings in but was having trouble with the necklace and bracelet.

"Kayla can you come in here?" I yelled and she walked in. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

"Maria you look amazing" she said.

"Thanks. Um can you please help me with my necklace and bracelet?"

"Yeah sure" She helped me put them on. "So do you know where Harry's taking you yet?"

"No do you?"

"Yep" she said. I looked at her curious.


She didn't have time to answer cause someone knocked on the bathroom door.

"Maria Harry's here" Flo said.

"I'll be out in a minute" I called back.

I gave Kayla a hug and walked out. I didn't put make up on. I can't stand it.

I walked out of the bathroom to have 17 pairs of eyed on me. Those 17 people were: Maya, Flo, Jaythene, Jazi, Gemma, Ella, Tara, Nina, Charlotte, Jordyn, Josh, Stan, Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Harry. Harry gave me a massive smile and walked over to me.

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