Chapta 1: Urlak Facebita

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Urlak is a nob who leads a bunch of dem kill teams in Da Greata Waaagh. He iz stuborn, kinda stupid n' a Gorker so his taktiks are, "KRUMP 'EM GOOD N' IF DAT DOSEN'T WORK TRY AGAN HARDA!", very efektiv.

He wos (or iz) a Evil Sunz nob so ya 'now he likes going FASTA dan da other boyz. He also haz a red chopa so he can kill da 'umies (or other not Orks) FASTA. He also wers red so he iz FASTA.

He iz alwayz aco-, comp-, acommp-, aw zog it, joyned by a grot who calz 'im self Gorgrok Da Shiv. Dat grot iz ded acuret, he rerly mises 'n som boyz say dat wen Urlak bout 'im he waz a very expesiv grot, 'n fer good reson.

Ya see, Gorgrok belonged to a runtherd kaled Gutsplita (but da boyz kall 'im Gutz) n' Gorgrok woz very bad 'coz Gutz treted 'im not so noice. But Gorgrok woz very useful and Gutz wondord kould he get rid of 'im wifout getin' rid of 'im, he kouldin't. Wen Urlak kame 'e bougt Gorgrpk fer 500 teef, rememba dat Urlak woz (iz) stuborn n' stupid.

But sinse den Gorgrok 'elped Urlak make good desishons n' dey bekame a good team. Gorgrok woz a nob so 'e foght wile Gorgrok did da kunin' taktiks n' stuff.

Urlak got 'iz uvver name by bitin' a 'umie skall's fase off, 'e iz also very quiet n' dosent talk much, Urlak dat iz not da skall

Aktualy i wonse fought wif Urlak. It woz on a planet full of dem greyskinz who coll dem selvez da Tou. Urlak (n' Gorgrok) woz chosen from Mekboy Skrewdriva to get one of dem floaty greyskin drones, saiz 'e cold use dem fer sumfin speshul (dis all hapened free jers from now just to let ya 'now). Wen Urlak woz piking 'iz boyz he piked Me, Grbargh (da 'evy weponz bad moonz boy), Snakand (da snake bites squig tamer, he had six squigs) and Rokkruncha (da goffs boy who haz da chopaz).

 Afta asembling da teem and leaving da kamp we went to da greyskin kamp 'n serched around. Gorgrok noticed dat dere woz free of dem Axe We Ate (dey are loike killa kanz but dey kan fly) n' foive of dem greyskinz shootas, teyz 'ad a lot of da drones wez needed to get fer Skrewdriva so dis woz our target.

First Urlak n' Rokkruncha went in 'ed first to da shootas, literallly, meenwoil Me 'n da oder boyz wer going around to amboosh dem (da greyskinz dat iz). Urlak killed too shootaz woil Rokkruncha kiled da oder tree (ere iz a litel taktik wen fasing greyskinz: go up to dem n chop em wif ya chopa, deyz kant foight bak, xsept da squig looking onez). Snakand sent iz squigz at one of da Axe We Ates woil i woz going fer da wone dat Grbargh wozent shooting at. Ere iz anoder taktik wen foightin agenst da grayskinz: dont let dem shoot ya coz deyz are ded akurat, da Axe We Ate dat Grbargh shot at killd 'im wif only too shots from iz burna shoota fing. Meenwoil da Axe We Ate i woz charging at flew away loik a grot nd da Axe We Ate attaked by da squigz lost iz arms befor runin away.

Afta da foit we lookd at Gorgrok who had all da dronez tied up n' redy fer carrieng so Me, Urlak 'n' Rokkruncha piked da dornez up woil Snakand fed da remainz of Grbargh and da grayskin shootaz to iz squigz. Woil we wos going bak to kamp i saw urlak looking loik e didint get to foit ad dat woz wen i reolized dat da boyz who said Urlak dozent talk much wer teling da troof (probabli shoudint ave chop deir andz off in desbelif).

Woit! I just reolized sumfin very important! I NEVA FOUND OUT WOT SKREWDRIVAS SUMFIN SPESHUL WOZ!!!!!!!! I DONT FINK ANY OF DA BOYZ KNOW!!!!! DAT ZOGIN GIT!!!!!!!!

Aneewej........ Urlak N' Gorgrok ar gud ladz n if yaa eva talk to em, tell dem I say  Oi.

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