Stateside meet and greets
"we're next, I'll get to see Regan again" said Caitlin
"Justin just waved at us" said Jess
"Yeah and Jacks telling us to go over" said Amy
"Justin isn't that the girl from the signing, you forgot to get her number" said Joseph
"Jess, no way, where?"
"Hey Joseph" said Chantelle
"Hey beautiful"
"Justin, can you remember me from last time?" Said Jess
"Of course I can, come help me find a pen around the back"
"Okay" she replied
They walk round, Justin smiles at her (She gets embarrassed)
Jess finds a pen and takes it to Justin
"Here you go found a pen" said Jess
Justin gives her a kiss on the cheek while putting something in her pocket and says "ThankYou"
They walk back round Justin sits down and Amy goes back to her friends
"Regan, can I take a selfie with you and can you sign this please?" Asked Caitlin
"Yeah sure, what's your name" said Regan
"My names caitlin" she said back
"Wow you're gorgeous" said Jack
"ThankYou" said Amy
"GIRLS HURRY UP!!" shouted the body guard
"Bye girls" said all of the boys
"Jess check your pocket" said Justin
She pulls out a piece of paper with his number on it, she walks away smiling
"Justin you have to ask them to come to the V.I.P party later tonight" said Regan
"Yeah I know" said Jack
"I agree with them" said Joseph
"Boys of course I am, it's Jess we're talking about" said Justin
Aiden's meet and greets
Caitlin looks at her phone, she has a message from Aiden it says
"I'm missing you, so gutted that you couldn't make it today"
Caitlin smiles and texts him back "I miss you to"
Caitlin walks in through the back of Aiden's Meet and greet tent, all his fans scream
She walks up behind Aiden and puts her hands over his eyes
"Guess who" said Caitlin
"No way, Caitlin?" he replied
He jumps up turns around to see Caitlin standing there with a Pizza
"Meat feast?" he asked
"It sure is" said Caitlin
He takes the pizza and puts it on the table then gives Caitlin a big hug
"I've missed you" kissing her on the cheek
Bella shouts "cuties"
"Aww" Shouts the rest of the fans
Joseph Peacocks meet and greets
Joseph stared at Eimhear whole time she walked up to him
"Joseph this is for you" said Eimhear Handing him a present
"What is it" he asked
"Open it and see" Eimhear said
"I'll open tonight, ThankYou" said Joseph
Jake Sims meet and greets
"Liv" said Jake
"Yeah what's up?" Replied Liv
"I have to talk to you" Said Jake
They walk around the tent
"Liv, where do you see yourself in 10 years" asked Jake
"I'll have a family what about you?" she replied
No answer from Jake
"Jake?" Said Liv
"I see myself with you" he said
Liv turns round and gives Jake a kiss, he takes her hand and walks back into the tent
"Where have you two been?" Asked Britney
they both look at each other a laugh
Luke Towler&Nathan Grisdale meet and greets
"Why did their meet and greets get put together?" Asked Emma
"I'm not sure" replied Jess
"Girls it's your turn"
Jess and Emma walk up to Luke and Nathan, until Emma trips up
Nathan's runs out of his set to help her up
She gets up before he gets to her when bang
He trips over the sign and pushes her right back down again along with him landing on top of her
"I'm so so sorry" he said leaning over her face
She turns him around then gives him a kiss
"I've always wanted to do that, I'm okay now" she said
He stands up pulling her up with him
"Emma are you okay (trying not to laugh)" asked Jess
"I'm good" she replied
They walk up to Luke&Nathan again
"Hey Luke" said Jess"
"You okay gorgeous" he replied
"I'm good, can you do a quick survey on my phone for me please?" Jess asked
"Okay let's see" he replied
Jess hands him the phone, he looks up and smiles at her, then starts to type on her phone
He gives her it back
"Is this your real number" Jess asked
"Yeah phone it" Luke replied
Jess phones it and he answers the phone
"ThankYou" said Jess
"Nathan I'm sorry for kissing you" said Emma
"No don't be sorry, (smiling) you're a good kisser" he replied
"Times up girls" said the body guard
"Bye" said Jess and Emma
Giles Potter
Jade was waiting in the line to see Giles
"Hey Jade right? I remember you from last time" said Giles
"Yeah that's me" she replied
"I have to talk to you in private, come with me" said Giles
They walk behind the tent
Giles leans over and kisses Jade
"What was that for?" Asked Jade *embarrassed*
"I'll see you tonight" replied Giles
Jade gives Giles another kiss then runs out of the tent
Giles walks out a couple of minutes later
"Giles you have something on your face" said Morgan H
He uses his phone as a mirror to notice that he has lipstick all over his face
BAM and Harvey meet and greets
"Is anyone here called Lucy" asked Charlie
"Anyone?" Asked Leo
"I know what to do, everyone cheer for Lucy" said Kimberly
"That's my girl" said Charlie (pulling a big smile, giving her a kiss on the check)
"Count to 3" said Leo
1, 2, 3"
"Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy if you're here please come up here" said Leo
They wait around for 2 minutes, when a girl walks up
"Hey, I'm Lucy" she said
"Everyone give her a round of applause" said Charlie
Harvey walks through to find Lucy standing there, he runs up to her and says "I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry to" said Lucy giving Harvey a cuddle
"Leo where Emily" asked Kimberly
"Look behind you" said Leo
"Hey" said Emily she runs up to Leo and gives him a cuddle
M.A.D meet and greets
"Dan, can I get a selfie with you" said Hallie
"Yeah sure" he replied
"Michael sign this" said Jessica handing him her phone case
"Michael, take a picture with me" said Elise
"I don't feel so good" said Pollyann Fainting onto the grass
"Quick call 999" said Nyah
The ambulance arrives Ben rushes over
"Is she okay, can I stay with her till she wakes up" he asks
"Yeah I think she's here on her own" said the doctor
"Hey Keavy there's Michael" said Emily
"And there's Dan, Emily" she replied
"Where's Ben" Asked Tylar
"Bens away in the ambulance with this girl" said Jolie
"Aww I hopes she's okay" said Tylar
"Keavy it's time go talk to Michael" said Emily
"Only if you go speak to Dan" said Keavy
"Okay" she replies walking up to Dan
"Hey, it's Keavy right, I've heard a lot about you" shouted Dan
"Oh you have, have you is it good stuff you've been told?" She asks him
"Of course it is, why don't you and your friends come to the V.I.P party tonight
"Yeah we will, thanks for the invite" said Emily
"Hey Michael" said keavy
"You alright" he asked
"Yeah I'm good, I wanted to ask"
"Wait two seconds" said Michael
"Sorry I have to go, George needs me. Nice seeing you again"
*20 minutes later*
Pollyann Wakes up
"Are you okay darling?" Asked Ben
" I think so, where is everyone" said Pollyann
"The meet and greets are finished" said Ben
"So I missed them and did you stay with me" she asks
"Yeah of course I did, and yeah you missed them but I want you to come to the V.I.P party tonight" he replied
"I'd love to ThankYou so much Ben" giving him a cuddle