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The class of high school students sat impatiently as their science teacher droned on boringly about a project they were supposed to do and turn in the next two weeks.

Most of the students didn't pay much attention, seeing as lunch was right after this hour. Except one student.

Sitting all the way in the back, Jeon Jeongguk listened to every word his teacher had to say, no matter how boring. Some would call him a nerd, others would call him plain weird. After all, who would listen when lunch was about to start?

The boy -finally- realizes that lunch was only minutes away, to which he went into a panic, closing his notebook and folder, grabbing them ready to leave, still listening of course. He takes mental notes of whatever his teacher is saying, and then begins to tap his own pencil impatiently against the desk, awaiting the sound of the bell like everyone else.

Finally, the bell rung. Everyone shot out of their seats, the taller kids shoved the others to get out first.

The senior sighed, getting up and started walking to his locker. 

Approaching his locker, he could feel stares as he walked by students, which he ignored -a skill he gained after being stared at since elementary- Jeongguk opened his locker, putting his stuff away, grabbing his notebooks and folders for the remaining two classes.

Now trudging off to the lunch room, he noticed a few people from his science class, which caused him to roll his eyes in annoyance.

It's not like they've ever done anything to Jeongguk himself, it's just that they barely ever stop talking. Which, to Jeongguk, is horrible. He takes school VERY seriously, so not being able to listen to a teacher is worse than death.

Finally making it to the lunch room, he sits at his table alone. He didn't bother grabbing lunch, having a hatred for the food after getting him sick in freshmen year.

To Jeongguk's relief, lunch is the only time of the school day he doesn't get stared at. Everyone is too focused on their lunches and conversations to care about the brown-haired boy.

Everyone except a certain brunette girl.

Jeongguk knows her quite well.

His older sister, Lisa.

Sadly, Lisa has made it her lifelong goal to make Jeongguk's life horrible, which means she's almost always watching him, waiting for him to make some sort of mistake just to use it against him later.

To Jeongguk's luck, she looked away from him and turned to focus on the guy sitting next to her.

Kim Taehyung.

How much Jeongguk despised him was unbelievable. To Jeongguk, Taehyung was this annoying, cocky, arrogant bastard that didn't care for anyone but himself and Jeongguk did not like him or his company at all.

Yea that's right. His company.

The worst moment of Jeongguk's life was finding out that Kim Taehyung was going to be coming over his house every single day, all because of Lisa and her stupid crush on Taehyung which had to evolve into their "relationship".

Quotes on relationship because it's so obvious Taehyung doesn't really like her, only doing it for the title.

Plus, everyone assumed that the two would get together, after all they are the two most popular guy and girl in the high school.

Trying his hardest to ignore Lisa, and everyone else, he took out his sketchbook and started to doodle mindlessly, putting aside the fact that he was hungry. He doesn't eat breakfast anymore, mainly to not see his family members, but also because he rarely gets hungry in the morning.

Now that he thinks about it, he never really eats anymore, always skipping meals, settling for snacks later.

Realizing it was time to leave lunch and go to his fifth hour, he put away his sketchbook in between the pile of notebooks and folders, picking all of it up and began to speed-walk to class, trying not to run into anyone, wanting to be the first to class like usual.

The dread feeling of the last bell rang, realizing he'd have to go home, aka Jeongguk's hell.

Now in the hallway of his locker, he slowly dragged his feet across the floor, getting to his locker and opening it, taking his sweet old time not in his home. He closed his locker and began walking towards the main doors of the school, prepared to walk in sweet silence.

Since he took his time, most of the students have already left the building and are waiting outside the school for buses or have already made their journey to their own home.

The soft breeze hit across his face, blowing his messy hair into his eyes, Jeongguk felt great, he felt amazing, he felt like he could do anything, and right now he was going to walk home in silence with nature to accompany him and it will be his own paradise-

"Mom said you had to come home with Taehyung and I."

Jeongguk screamed internally, cursing himself and his bad luck.

"Why, oh why, can't I have just ONE good day."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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