Bittersweet Love - SpyderByte

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Authors Note: This is a collaboration with another person on Amino. They sadly did not continue the rest of the Fanfiction as originally planned. So, my part shall only be shown, I would have shown their part (with permission) if they finished. Their part was to be in Amelie's POV and mine in Olivia's POV. Just to clear things up :)


The gentle mingle of voices echoed throughout the halls. Sombra or Olivia had arrived later than she should have. With her friend, Amelie. Olivia's heels clicked on the marble floor as her flashy red dress grazed the floor. Halting the hacker smiled and nudged her lean companion with her elbow, "Fancy ain't it?"
Amelie simply rolled her eyes from Olivia's comment. Firmly snapping Olivia back to the reason they were here; "We are late for the meeting." Amelie fixed Olivia with a cold stare before turning away and proceeding onward her white dress waved gently as she moved forward. "That activity was so important," Amelie scoffed, her heavy accent shining through her words. The widow wasn't bothering to turn around to see if the hacker was following.

Olivia chuckled, though.. warmth flowed through her heart. The hacker pushed the sensation away. Those feelings would never be returned.. Would they? Her heart pounded in her chest at the thought, but she followed Amelie carefully as two men lead them to their destination. This place was a very bright kitten area, everything seeming expensive or the highest of prices you could get for things. An opening in the center of it all had obtained a waterfall and a shiny golden chandler. Many rich people were wandering around.

A few of them were staring at Amelie. Of course she looked differently, her skin hue wasn't... Human. As a few cast foul glances at Amelie and started laughing. Olivia picked up her pace to fall into step with her companion. The widow didn't bother to acknowledge Olivia returning to her side nor acknowledge the fact that people were laughing.

Approaching the entrance to the dining room, Amelie grinned lightly at Olivia before facing forward once more and reaching out to the entrance of the door, only, Olivia pulled the widows arm from extending out to the handle. Her hand rested onto the handles frame. "Ladies first," Olivia joked gently her body mauvering to make room for Amelie to pass.
The widow merely chuckled and scoffed without another word, she disappeared behind the door and into the dining room. Olivia smiled gingerly to herself at the given response..

Olivia swung herself around and pulled her hand away from the doors handle following Amelie in. The dining room was filled with chatter, most were cleared to a single side of the room. The area was gently listen with a shiny chandelier, the ground matted and covered with a checkered red and dark red pattern. The tables were a peach golden hue, fairly pretty as Olivia had to admit to.
"Quit daydreaming," a deep husky voice spoke right besides her. Olivia recoiled, before noticing it was merely only Akande. The hacker chuckled, this man looked nice in the white tux he wore. It looked neat and professional.

Olivia purred softly and grinned, "Looking sharp tonight.. Akande." The obviously taller man took no hesitation to begin to walk towards the Talon group.
"Jokes, are unappreciated. You, including Amelie. Were late." Akande quickly scolded the hacker with a sharp yet somehow sympathetic tone. This man was aware of her.. feelings. Although she hated the fact that he was aware of it. It took a lot of weight off of her chest. Olivia heels clicked quickly as she hurried to chat up. The hacker slipped straight back into thought. Couples walked nearby, the woman's arm generally wrapped around her partners arm. Jealousy rippled through her, the cascade of it making her angry.

Is asking for Amelie too much?

Akande ushered her quickly forward as they approached. He pulled out her chair and dismissed himself to his own seat besides the masked man. Olivia settled down into her seat, where she sat besides Moira and Amelie. Her heart was pounding in her chest,


The hacker glanced at her teammates, Moira had instituted conversation. From there her teammates words just became a blur, she couldn't keep her cool tonight. Her gaze always wandering and watching Amelie talk with such.. confidence. It was intimidating. Yet. It made her heart skip beats quicker.

Amelie hadn't seemed to notice Olivia's quick glances, and if she did, the widow hadn't said a word. Moira had begun an argument after Gabe didn't understand her logic, the argument was getting heated.
"As if you know as much?" Moria hissed sheepishly, Olivia tuned herself back into the conversation. "What do you know, fre-" Gabe was going to mutter the final parts of his sentence. But Akande stood up and put a heavy glare onto Gabe first, then Moria.

"We are supposed to be discussing important matters," The man cleared his throat as Gabe sighed and Moria merely turned away, "Not this childish argument."

Olivia chuckled, and the whole group turned to look at the hacker, each gaze was generally blank. Akande sat back down his gaze also locked upon the hacker, "something to say, Sombra?"

Amelie huffed and turned away.
"Wait wait! I have something important to say..." Olivia perked up lightly, laughters bubbling deep within her. "Are we seriously not gonna be eating when we are here, cause that food does look good!" The hacker began to laugh. Amelie tugged Olivia down and stared at her with a cold long stare before leaning forward, "You are making us look unprofessional and childish. You know better," The widow hissed lightly.

Olivia barely heard a word, Amelie's actions made her cheeks heat up and her heart swell up once more, it was hard to breathe with the overwhelming sense of emotion. Amelie had pulled away and everyone soon eased back into conversation. Obviously. They weren't going to pay for food.

Olivia set her elbows onto the tables and rested her cheek into the palm of her hand. This conversation was basically a review of rules.. Olivia could care less Amelie was sitting right besides her it comforted her even without physical contact.

Will you ever feel the same way that I do?..

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