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I leaned against the pillar that framed the entryway to the counsel room. I watched my sister pace back and forth agitated. She stopped suddenly and threw a glare at the doors, growled then continued to pace. I sighed at my sister's immaturity. We had been waiting for hours and she refused to leave until father came out. She was at least five years older than I was but still acted more like a child. It was increasingly annoying.

At last the doors swung open and our father stalked out. A frown creased his brow and I recognized the defeated hunch of his shoulders. They clearly couldn't find a different solution.

"Father! Is it true? Must I marry the cold King of the Poison Fangs?"

"Yes Leona. If we want this peace alliance to work it is the only option."

"Father I don't want to marry him! This is stupid! Why must I be the one to take responsibility?!" Leona protested.

Like I said, immature. I trailed after them not breathing a word.

"Leona enough!" Father roared, a vein pulsing in his forehead. Leona cowered stepping back fearfully.

"We are in the middle of a WAR and our people are suffering! It is our duty to our PEOPLE. If this war continues not only our lineage will be wiped out but our entire kingdom! If this is the way to ensure peace and the safety of our people then so be it. We all have sacrifices to make" At the end of his rant his tone quieted, filled with sadness.

Leona glared but it was pitiful for she was about to cry. She ran away; probably to her room to sulk, whine and cry like a child. I sighed and went after her.

"Ayane" my father called me before I could leave.

"Yes my King?" I turned and bowed to him.

"Rise sweetheart. You can call me dad. You are still my daughter."

"Yes Father?" I rectified my previous statement.

He smiled and continued. "How have you been?"

"I have been well. My duties have no interest of late but that is a good thing."

"Yes you are assigned by the Queen to protect your eldest sister." Father sighed ruefully, "My dear daughter I wish I could change it. It is unfair to treat you so but it was signed in royal sacrament. I hope that you know regardless of what you do now, I love you and I am proud of the young woman you have become."

It was rare to hear these words from my Father in person and I cherished it. I smiled, "It is more comforting to hear in person if I am being honest Father."

"Yes indeed it is" he chuckled. "Ayane tell me do you think I am doing the right thing by marrying off my eldest daughter to the new King?"

I thought about it for a while but I already knew the answer.

"Yes I believe you are. You have been a good father to Leona, maybe even spoiled her too much but as a King and a father you are still thinking of the future of the kingdom. You love your people and right now you're doing everything you can to protect them." I glanced at my father who had stopped walking suddenly.

"Ayane you are indeed a Razor Fang" he smiled faintly, "Please go check on your sister and provide solace to her. It is indeed a hard time for us all"

"Yes I will do that and Father" I said hesitantly, "I hope you know that I love you as well and am proud to be your daughter"

He beamed at me and soon after I was gone. I ran quickly but silently through the corridors of the palace. I dodged servants and animals as I ran past. The staircase to Leona's room came in sight and I leapt off the walls to climb faster. When I reached the landing her personal maid was outside of the door looking worried. I walked past and rapped on the door three times.

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