Chapter 4

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Lia had gotten home and watched Huck settle back on the sofa as if none of it had happened. With a sigh, she walked out the side door and got her mail then returned, throwing it on the counter without looking at it. It would be bills.

She had to be at the hospital at six the next morning, so it was going to be a short night.

She stripped as she walked towards the bathroom, it was time for a shower and then she would make herself something to eat. Peanut butter and jelly and a cold glass of milk were calling her name for some reason. She took her time in the shower, letting the heat relax her muscles and using her favorite shower gel as a pick me up. She had learned over the last year that it was all about the little things in life.

Her ex-fiancé had wined her and dined her, taking her to expensive dinners, and on trips abroad, there was nothing he didn't do first class, and she had enjoyed it at first, but then she had grown tired of having to keep up with everyone. It had felt as if she had had a second job. There would never have been a night in, sitting on the couch eating peanut butter and jelly and watching a movie she had seen a hundred times because she could watch it without thinking.

Dressed in her baggy pajama bottoms and roomy t-shirt, another thing she never wore with her ex, she had just taken the first bite of her sandwich when there was a knock at her door. With a muffled curse at the jelly that dripped onto her shirt, she stomped across the kitchen peeking through the curtain on the door.

It was him, the nasty neighbor. She looked at him through the window, taking another bite of her sandwich as she debated if she wanted to open the door or not. When she reached for the milk on the counter and took a sip, he banged on the door with his fist.

Rolling her eyes, she set the sandwich and milk down and then unlocked her door. "What!"

His eyes narrowed at her tone as he held up a broken desk lamp. It was stainless steel with a glass shade that was barely attached.

"Bummer," Lia said as she reached for her sandwich.

"Yes, it is, and your dog did it!" he growled.

"You wanna take him as payment?" she offered. "Hey Huck, it's for you!"

There was a loud groan from the couch behind her and Huck rolled off in his usual fashion with a thump. Lia looked over her shoulder and sighed.

"Is he dead?" the man asked, looking at Huck's still form over Lia's shoulder.

"Nah, he'll be over in a minute." She reached for the lamp, taking it from his hand. "I'll try to find another one, or would you rather have money and pick yourself out a new one?" She threw it in the trash behind her. "Although if that's your taste, you're better off letting me pick it out."

She took a long drink of her milk as Huck finally decided to join them. He walked up to the man and sniffed his hand, lifting it with his head, forcing the man to pet him.

"There is nothing wrong with my taste, that was a gift," he insisted.

"Now you have a viable reason for getting rid of it." She nodded. "Is there anything else?" She took another bite of her sandwich, unaware as another blob of jelly landed on her chest.

He saw it though, and his eyes followed the blob as it rolled down her breast and landed on the floor, watching as Huck quickly ate it.

"Is that your dinner?" he asked, his voice full of scorn.

"Yes, we can't all be so lucky and have food delivered to us by beautiful women." She shrugged, popping the last bite into her mouth.

"You'd like your food to be delivered to you by a beautiful woman?"

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