Who's the boss

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I was woken by the moans of my soul mate. "Mmmm, Mitya I don't feel so good."

"What's wrong baby?"

"My stomach, I am sick at my stomach and dizzy."

"Do you know what's wrong?"

"No. But I feel like..." That's when she jumped up out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. She barely made it to the toilet before emptying her stomach of our entire meal from the night before.

I held her hair as she threw up for almost two solid hours. "Do you feel any better baby?" I asked as she leaned her back against my chest. While sitting in my lap resting her head back against my shoulder as I sat on the side of our bath tub.

"A little. But now my throat is burning, raw and sore."

She wanted to brush her teeth but she was so weak that she couldn't even stand up by herself, so I held her up as she brushed her teeth with an extremely shaky and weak hand. Afterwards, she tried to walk back to our bed but she didn't take two steps before she started to collapse. Thank God we hadn't had an early shift this morning. I caught her, lifted her in my arms and carried her back to our bed.

I got her a glass of water hoping that would help her throat. Then I called Alberta, and told her what was going on. She insisted that I stay with Roza and take care of her. Alberta has always loved Roza like her very own daughter.

Everyone had found out about us after the rescue mission in the caves. Where she had saved my ass as well as a hell of a lot of other peoples. That had also been the day when we found out about her having magic. She had control of all the elements. She could even use the darkness for whatever she needed it for. Everyone that had still been in the caves when she was using her magic was sworn to secrecy. 

On the way back to the academy more strigoi came out of the forest. And she had set them all on fire letting them burn until they turned to ash. Before she passed out and collapsed in my arms from exhaustion.

Everyone panicked when she collapsed, I lifted her in my arms and ran all the way to the infirmary. Eventually Dr. Oldenzki came in and told us that for some reason my Roza could use magic. 

It wasn't like everyone there didn't already know that. She also said that she couldn't find anything different in Roza's bloodwork. It was all the same as it had always been since the crash. Everyone eventually decided that this had to be a new development involving her shadow kissed state.

Being shadow kissed had already made my Roza even more remarkable than just her fighting abilities. And it had given her some out of this world abilities, in the form of a strigoi alarm, being anywhere near a strigoi made her extremely nauseous. She could also see, talk to, and control ghosts. Which is how we knew where the captives were being held in the first place.

In the beginning no one believed her about the ghosts. But when Mason had warned her about the attack on the school and then told her where Eddie and the other captives were being held. They all began to believe in her.

After Roza was let out of the infirmary we decided that since everyone already knew about us. We saw no sense in trying to pretend that we didn't love each other. So we asked Alberta if we could move in together.

That was the day that Alberta and Kirova came up with the idea to graduate my Roza early.

After her actions in the attack as well as the rescue mission and the leadership qualities that she had shown. They both decided that she didn't need to go through her trials or the field experience.

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