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Itsuki p.o.v

After the girls and I finished off the lizards, something else came. And it was way bigger. A dragon. We could hear Daphne talking from inside it, calling it the Dragonoid. What kind of name was that? Crazy lady.

Wendy, Carla, Happy, and Rin came into view, screaming out incoherent words. They reached us after a few moments explaining the situation. Natsu was stuck in that Dragonoid thing. And Gray put him there, intentionally. "Look!" Lucy said and pointed at the head of the Dragonoid, standing on top of it was none other than Gray Fullbuster, the jerk that broke my heart and caused me to fall in love with him then threw me away. Wait what?! Love?! What the hell is wrong with me?!

I was brought back from my thoughts, seeing the magic mobile stop a few feet away from me. The dragon descended into the sky, Erza,Rin, and Emiko going after it. Emiko was in the magic mobile, wanting to help her brother out.

Elfmen knocked Gray out, placing him inside the car. And the rest were off, back to the guild.

Time skip

Everything was over, Natsu was back and safe, and Gray explained why he did it. Though I didn't know why he said all those things to me. Was he really just using me? Did he meant it? Questions swarmed around in my brain giving me a headache.

It was pretty late and I told Mira I would close up the guild. So her I was, sitting at the bar, just thinking.

There was tap on my back causing me to jump. I turned around seeing Gray staring at me, worry covering his face. I turned back around, not want him to see the tears in my eyes. "What the hell do you want, Gray?" I questioned coldly. I've had enough of his stupidity for the day. "I'm sorry.." Gray started, voice sad. "I didn't mean any of the things I said to you." When I heard this, I spun around on the chair standing up in the process. "You didn't mean it? Really?! Because it sure as hell seemed like it. You're more stupid than I thought if you think that I'd except your pity apology." I jabbed my finger into his chest, pushing him back. At this point tears of anger and sadness fell down my face making my vision blurry. "Itsuki—"

"No. Don't you dare say my name, Gray. How dare you hurt me and use me like that. I love you... and you just broke my heart. I gave my all to you, but all you did in return was throw me away! Why?! Why would you do that? I hate you, Gray Fullbuster! I h-hate you..." with every word I muttered, my fists connected with his chest. He didn't say anything and just took hold of my wrists, stopping me from hitting him again. "Don't say that. Don't say that you love me and then tell me you hate me... I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you but I had to. Because then you would've gotten hurt trying to get me back. And I couldn't let that happen.." he tried reasoning. I let out a laugh, one with no emotion.

"You're pathetic. And cowardly, an idiot, a jerk, and nothing more than a jackass that chooses to hurt people just so you can prove yourself to who? Natsu? What a dumbass you turned out to be. I can't believe I actually loved you." I stared him in the yes, ripping my hands out of his grip.

As I began to walk away, Gray reached out to grab my hand. "Don't. Just don't." I glared at him, leaving him.

Just like how he left me behind. Alone and broken.

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