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The rain stormed heavily as the stars hid behind the nightsky's dark thick clouds. Raindrops fell down the luminous roofs of every house, thick mists overspread the streets, the place was covered up with vignette as mist and darkness met between the grey weather, and a dead silence hunged all over the wet town of Flimstreet.

It was a moment of total stillness, not when a heavy continuous thud of a swifty feet broke the serenity of the Flimstreet Cemetery. Its footsteps were fast. It sings the melody of the raindrops but instead of a happy tune, it sang the ballad of fear.

A young man ran past the graves of the eternal slumbering souls. He was running breathlessly as if, it would be the last lap of life that he will be able to run with. He was now running in the midway between the wholesome piled up graves at each side. The raindrops fell on his face confusing the physique picture of sweats that covered his body. His eyes were the eyes of terror and of doom. His lips curved in coldness and fear.He was running for a thing and it seems, he was running from something.

He reached the end of the piled up graves and continuously raced through the section where graves are distinctively buried on the earth itself. The picture of the cemetery should have scared him from running off so freely along the creepy graves, but there's something much more to think about than the nightmare surrounding the cemetery. He ran without any directions in mind, he cared for nothing but to escape the dread he's in. Amidst the frenzy, a tiny hope sparkled as he saw a cross rising above the fog, steps away, in which he guessed to be a small church or something that could be used as a shelter. As he ran endlessly towards its direction, it is now slowly revealed that it was a chapel indeed. Hope sparked, he ran but it was hard for him to maintain speed as every steps of his is buried on the wet mud of the ground, yet adrenaline was there to back him up from tiring.

Reaching the gate of the chapel he kicked out to make way for himself. He ran for the wooden closed door of the white chapel, slammed the door and forced it to open but the door will still hold on.

His sweat was now getting thick, his breathing was cold, his eyes were frail and his lips pale as anything could ever be. He was shaking, still trying to open up the door by slamming and kicking it with force, but every time he shows off an effort, the door will only sound a beat and stay unmoved.

All hope was lost. He looked back towards the misty ground of the graves. His eyes moved in an alternate left to right direction. He was looking for something, and by looking - trying to be aware of a thing. His pupils were moving quickly as his lips shakes in fear. Out of the misty grounds of the grave, right in the straight direction of the chapel's gate, emerged, a shadow.

His heart beat twiced faster than before. His system can not hold the coldness of the night and the fear that creeps in it but he's trying himself not to.

The shadow moved forward but as it moves, the mist follows him as if it was controlling the cloud surrounding it.

The young man stood frozen at the front door, shaking from dread. His teeth were grinding as he pissed himself unconsciously. Tears started to trace down his cheeks, there is nothing left but death waiting a soul to claim.
The shadow maintained its motion as it reaches the gate of the chapel, 10 meters away from the door, but still the mist was covering it and there's no way to behold the thing behind the dreadful shadow.

The young man fell down in his knees. He clasped his hands, still shaking and closed his eyes. There was no other way to escape this death, but he uttered something.

"Precious Blood and Word of God .." He spoke in a faint voice

"You are my eternal salvation. Lost in sin, You liberated me. You lifted me from perdition. Treasuring my feeble soul, You excused my constant frailties." His voice was weak but he was trying to voiced out the prayers as loud as he can.

"Forever, I am indebted to You. Your cost can never be repaid, For You bought my freedom with Blood." His voice now is getting stronger as the shadow slowly charged its mist towards the chapel.

"I will always seek You out my Lord, You are my beloved Deliverer! You are the Lamb of God!" He finished his prayer and have said all his final messages.

He closed his eyes and waited for his death as the steps of the shadow sings the chorus of demise and  breathes the foul smell of a corpse.

The shadow slowly motioned as it reached halfway to the chapel's door. The young man who was closing his eyes suddenly felt the urge to stand up. He gathered all the courage left. It was now a do-or-die scenario for him. He squeezed his fists and opened his eyes. He stared straight to the moving shadow. He was now ready to charge his final blow as he spoke his very last words shaking

"Die you bastard"

He charged right to the shadow's position with only his fist as a weapon and his petite strength to bear the last fight.
In a glimpse, a blade dashed right in the middle of the mist cutting his two legs off. He fell into the ground and cried in pain. He was now surrounded by a thick fog.

He screamed in pain but the thunders and the raindrops did not let his voice overpower its roars. He crept himself in the direction back to chapel but as he stretched his left arm to pull his body forward, another blade burst in and sliced his arm. He cried as he watched his left arm being dismembered from his body. Blood covered his face as he continuously cried in pain. He tried to redo it with his right arm but the same thing happened leaving him armless and legless, lying on the grounds of the graves as he is about to die from the cuts and the loss of blood. He was weak but his only wish now was to see the dreadful face of his killer.


And as he shouted the words, a man stood right above him. Its face is still unseen for the mist covered it and  spoke

"Hi, How are you?"

The young man tried his best to unfold the face of his killer but the mist was too thick for it to be done. He tried to open his mouth to reply, but the shadowman hushed him from doing so.

"Ssssshhhh ... Sleep and everything will just be alright. Everything's fine, there's nothing to be scared of little lad." He paused. "I see your eyes are sparkly, I would like to make it one of my collections to light up my room, would you be a dear to give it to me little boy?" It requested in a teasing voice

The young man lay still, giving up the ghost within him.

"ANSWER ME YES!" he shouted but still, no answer came

"I see, you're a bad boy, a very very bad one, and I don't like bad boys" He raised his blade and struck it right to the young man's chest. The edge of the blade touched the ground and blood traced its sharp steel. He pulled it off and do it over and over again wildly, cracking evil laughs.

After he enjoyed stabbing the boy's chest he slashed its front skin and opened its dead body. The waters and blood met in the turmoil of the fresh corpse. The man brought up his bucket, dissected the body and carefully divided the organs; First, he carefully picked its eyes, then the heart, both intestines, the liver and lastly, the head. He then sacked up all the remaining carcass of his victim in a black bag and carried it by his right shoulder and the bucket with his left arm.

"A fresh dinner to start a sacred night. Happy dinner, Happy eater, all a good dine"

The man sang as he slowly walks away to the exit along with the mists.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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