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My eyelids fluttered open as I saw a calming scene. I looked around the place. The trees grew tall, despite the leaves still rendering. White doves flew in a flock around the place, sometimes perching on the tree branches. I stood on a white platform, surrounded by water with a bridge to my right, leading to another identical white platform.

I walked across the bridge, noticing a familiar woman clipping some flowers on a mesh white wall. She turned around and looked at me with a stern face.


"Hello, Amanda." I said, connecting eyes with her.

"Connor, hello. How are you recovering?" She asked.

"Very well. It hasn't effected any cases yet."

"How is your relationship with the new girl?"

"Sergeant (L/N)? Good, I believe. Unlike Lieutenant Anderson, she doesn't dislike me."

"Well, don't let your relationship with her effect your cases. The fact that you got destroyed annoyed me and the police station enough."

"I understand that. I'm determined to catch up with all of the missed cases."

Amanda ^

A large cloud began to cover the sky, signifying something.

"Hurry, Connor. There is little time."


I walked swiftly towards the front of the police station, determined to finish yesterday's case. I walked through the corridor towards the office desks, in search for Sergeant (L/N). Striding in to the general direction, I notice (L/N) staring at her computer screen, a dim light highlighting the structure of her face.

I felt a weird, tight feeling in my chest, whenever I look at her. I've never felt this before. I shouldn't be feeling this, right?

I slowly stumbled to her direction, her still being focused on what is in front of her. Sorting my tie and jacket , I calmly walked over and leant against the edge of her table, grabbing her attention.

"Hello, Connor," she spoke softly with a tired tinge to her voice. "Are we continuing with yesterday's case?"

"Of course. We have to question our suspect." I answered. Sergeant simply nodded before standing up briefly and began to sort her denim jacket. She shot a small, quick smile at me, making my stomach feel twisted and light.

What are these feelings? Should I ask Lieutenant or Amanda?

Shaking off the odd occasion, I followed Sergeant after realising she had walked off. I quickly caught up to her, though she was walking quite fast.

We arrived swiftly to the small room, only containing a chair and the woman. She stared sternly in my direction. (L/N) signified two guards to unlock the door and guide the woman to the conference room.

Before I realised, Sergeant (L/N) had put her arm up in front of my body and pushed me back slightly but firmly, protecting me. A warm feeling heating up in my cheeks, it was confusing.

I need to talk to Lieutenant after this.

I glared at the woman as she was guided past me and (L/N). A small grunt emitted from the woman; followed by a roll of the eyes.

Sergeant then slowly walked into the sight room, a clear window showing the figure. She let me enter first, then walked in herself. It was only us two until Dectective Reed strided in confidently, looking at me before scoffing.

"I'll try and get something out of her, but I suspect it won't be much." (L/N) sighed, before travelling into the room and sitting in front of the lifeless girl. She asked many questions, none of which were answered. Soon enough, (L/N) gave up and came back through.

"We have no evidence, we're getting nowhere." She stated. Reed simply coughed and said nothing.

"I could try interrogating her." I piped up. Reed coughed more, but in a disrespectful way. (L/N) nodded and let me go. I heard Reed mutter 'good luck, tin fuck' under his breath, but I shook it off.

I slowly entered the room, being cautious of sudden and unpredictable movements she could make. I made a quick analysis of her before continuing.

Analysing face...
Dianne Wilson
Age: 35

I sat opposite her, deciding whether to be quiet or forceful. I look towards where the one sided glass was, hoping to find help.

After questioning myself, I decided to speak.

"We aren't going to hurt you if you tell the truth."

She remained quiet.


"Shut up!" She yelled, "I don't care what you say, I'm not listening to walking fucking metal!"

I sighed in disapproval and tried to talk, only for her to interrupt me again. I had enough, and attempted to scare her into being quiet and own up. I slammed my hand down onto the table and demanded for her silence. She disobeyed and threw harmful but ineffective words at me. I tried many times but she didn't accept anything. I gave up myself and walked out of the room.

I was disappointed to not get anything, but she's a stern person. I walked into the room where (L/N) and Reed were, only to be mocked by Reed.

"Nice one, you fucking asshole, now we won't get anything from her because of you!" He scoffed.

"Leave him alone, Gavin. He tried his best."

"Well 'best' wasn't fucking good enough." Reed growled as he barged past me and out the room.

"Don't listen to him. We'll get something out of her, we'll even get others. Now, go have the rest of the day off. I'll call you if we find anything out." (L/N) smiled. I smiled back and said goodbye to her.

Trudging out of the station, I decided to get a taxi and go to Lieutenant's house. I need to talk to him, and he'll have an answer.

Maybe it's just reset side effects? What if something is terribly wrong? Will I have to get replaced?

Will I never see Sergeant (L/N) again?

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