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Over the years, I've heard stories of romance and of love. I've read sonnets of feelings and listened to lyrics of passion. I've watched chic flicks and movies where the end result is a perfect couple. However, for the past three years my love life has been anything but this. I fell in love with a boy. But I fell in love alone. He didn't return to me the feelings that I have for him. It hurts to know that the person you wish the best for in this world doesn't care if you wake up in the morning. It hurts to know that though you've been waiting for someone for three long, pain filled, heart breaking years, nothing is to come of that time and that waiting. It hurts to understand that while you may love someone with all your heart, they aren't required to love you back and so they don't. It hurts to know that you may wait for that person forever, and that they may never come. It hurts when you realize you've fallen in love alone. And it hurts when you know that you'll remain alone because you aren't what the other person is looking for. Some people are lucky enough to fall in love together, to have their feelings returned. But some of us don't get to experience the luxury of mutual affection. And I am one of those people, here to tell of our feelings and here to tell not only my story, but the story of all of us. The story of our unrequited loves. 

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