I love the fall. I've never liked the summer, or spring, the heat, bugs, allergies, sweating, everything that comes with those seasons. I don't necessarily hate the winter, I love sweaters, hot chocolate, cuddling, ya know all that stuff. But the fall is just perfect. The multicolored leaves on the ground and flying through the air. The cool breeze, warm hugs, cozy sweaters, warm apple cider, everything.
The one thing I hate about the fall? School, the one thing I completely dreaded. My grades were never good and people always expected the best from me. Every year is worse than the one before. This year was my first year in high school and I have no friends. Summer was almost over now and school was coming up. The only thing that didn't keep me from going insane was the fall, and my music of course.
Music gets me through everything. Every season, everyday of school, every day lonely once again, every death, every time I feel depressed, every sad time, every long night of pain, every broken heart, nothing music can't fix.
"Bethany get out of bed right now it's two o'clock. Two!" My mom's voice pierced through the quiet room interrupting my thoughts. "Are you cuddling the pillow?"
"I could sleep all day, and yes, I am cuddling a pillow. It comfy and makes me feel less alone so bye." I said.
My mom and I have a close relationship, she knows I feel alone a lot, she knows about the boys who have broken my heart. She knows how a feel about everything. We were never close until my dad. We were all we had.
"Hey, if you don't get up soon we won't be able to go to the movies and out to eat tonight after I get my hair done. Ill be back from my hair appointment by four, so be ready." She said.
"Okay." I mumbled into the pillow. I heard the door close meaning she had left. I slowly lifted my head up off the pillow and unwillingly rolled off the soft, comfy bed. I dragged myself over to my closet, choosing a fairly simple outfit: Dark blue skinny jeans, a striped light green and white sweater, converse, and a black beanie. I walked across the hallway and entered the bathroom, pulling a drawer open and taking out my toothbrush and toothpaste. I straightened my long dirty blond hair and applied some foundation, blush, and light eyeshadow. I curled my eyelashes and put on some mascara to bring out my gray-blue eyes, then swiped some baby pink lipgloss on. I walked back into my room and grabbed my phone and headphones off my bedside table and headed downstairs to eat breakfast. I decided to make microwaveable blueberry pancakes. I popped them out of the package and placed them into the microwave, turning the dial to set the time for three minutes.
By the time I had finished my pancakes my mom walked in the door, hair colored darker and professionally straightened. She looked oddly perky and excited.
Yes this is unedited and sucks but I wanted to post something on this finally and get on w it so yeah ill prob update either tonight or tomorrow night bc I'm going to see the wwa movie w my friend and then out to dinner and then she's sleeping over and u get the point. I promise next chapter will be so much better pls just trust me on this, oh and sorry for wasting ur time.

Never Be
FanfictionNiall Horan fanfic. You'll just have to read and find out people