Chapter 2

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Sorry for the long delay, i wanted to keep the story rolling by setting myself to make a chapter every month or so to pace myself but two months past. I'm very sorry for that. For that I'm going straight to the next chapter after this post and will be done by this week or in a weeks time, because you never know what life throws at you.

Another thing is that I have realized that I never put up the ages of all of the dexholders, for this AU has a certain age group for the dexholders. So I'll update the other chapters soon. But for now this is the age group of the current dexholders that are present(alive) at the moment. The ages here are based from the first chapter to know so please keep that in mind.


Hope this help, if still have questions, just ask. Enjoy

Disclaimer: don't own Pokemom Adventures


“I have to go now.”

You would think that hearing those words would be so simple, that they only have one meaning and that there was no need to repeat such simple words.

To Ruby, they were not so simple.

He didn't understand what was happening at all. A moment ago he was just playing with his new friend in the woods with a game of tag. Then it all happened so fast, he heard her scream and the next thing he knew, he was calling out all of his pokemon friends to help her, to save her, to protect her. He didn't want anything to happen to her, he didn't want harm to his only friend.

Sure he had friends before and had fun like they were, but because his dad always had to train a lot to grow stronger for the gym leader test, many of his friends left him because they didn't want to wait anymore for him to come back after his long days of training alongside his dad, and many of them were even jealous of this fact. But Ruby didn't want that to get to him and instead continued focusing more on training his pokemon and battling skills like his dad. He made his main focus to make his father proud of him.

But he didn't realized that he showed only the soft side of himself. While he was with her, he never had a reason to be aggressive or hostile at all, never had a reason to show his father's side of him. He never knew that she would be fright over that, after all, he is still the same person that became her friend.

But the way she looked at him, he thought it was because she was scared over the Salamence attack. He wanted to show her that there was no reason to be scared anymore. That's why he smiled through his pain, to show that its safe.

He didn't know that to her, she wasn't safe.

If only he could go back…

“Sca- scary..”

He never saw her cry before. Heck he never saw a girl cry before, but the way she looked at him and the way she said those words…

It hurts. It hurts to see the one person you want to protect, the one person who is there for you, the one person who is now your friend…. afraid of you.

He wanted to run away. He wanted to run and run and run. He wanted to go home and stay in his mom's arms, he wanted to go back and practice his battling skills, he wanted to go back and see that his dad was watching him with pride in his eyes as he becomes a better trainer.

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