Uh-oh indeed.

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I woke up the next morning to Charles dancing around in his boxers listening to music. I smiled and jumped up to join him.

"Guys?" I looked over to the door and pulled Avia to join us. We ended up dancing for about an hour before getting yelled at by the guys.

"Shut the fuck up!! If you want to have a dance party then do it when we're not home!!" We turned the music down and fell to the floor laughing. Avia had Charles' camera and was vlogging for most of our party.

"There Char. Now you have footage to start you day!!" He smiled and kissed Avia's forehead. I smiled,kissed Charles,kissed Avia's head,and headed downstairs.

"Hey guys!!" They looked over at me and smiled.


"So...?" I laughed and went into the kitchen.

"So what were you guys talking about?"

"About our move back to Florida. And everywhere else." Danny said as he motioned to everyone that doesn't live in Florida.

"So have we decided where the kids are going to go?" I asked as I sat next to Danny.

"Nope. Well. We've decided that Avia is going with you. Daxton is going with me and Lindsay and...Well thats it." I nodded and called the kids downstairs.

"Yea?" I had them sit down In front of the fireplace.

"Ok so as you know...you guys have to split up with us. So first off...Avia your going with me." She smiled and ran up to hug me.

"Can Emmi come with us?" I looked over at Charles and he nodded.

"Yea of course!!" Emmi came over and hugged me.

"Ok so thats 2. Now. Daxton is going to go with Danny and Linds. And Brock and Gavin are going with..."

"Travis!!" The 2 of them ran up to Travis and attacked him with hugs. I smiled and hugged the girls.

"Ok so uncle Hunter and uncle Coley are the lucky ones." They both laughed and kissed everyone's head. I hugged Charles and he kissed me.

"Ew!!" I laughed and pulled away.

"Ok..lets crash the mall!!!" They all cheered and went to change.

I changed into a gray skull shirt with black jeans and my boots.I got my red scarf,ring,bracelet,my earrings and my backpack.

I went downstairs to find everyone changed and ready.

"Theres my lady." I smiled and hooked arms with Charles.

"TO THE MALL!!" Char,Avia,Emmi,and I got in my car. And the others went in the van.

"Addi?" I looked threw the mirror and at Avia.


"Can we call you guys like, mom and dad?" I looked over at Charles and his eyes were glossy. Char's always wanted to be a dad so I can imagine what he feels right now.

"Of course girls." They smiled and continued to talk. I looked over at Charles and put my hand on his lap. He looked over and smiled.

Once we got to the mall everyone went their own ways. And then theres Hunter. Who went to get food. *Mental sigh* I went to Hot Topic and bought some new band merch along with a few bracelets for the girls. Yes band merch for little girls. Your point?

"Addi." I heard Charles yell, stretching out the i.

"Char." I yelled back, mocking his tone.

"Can I get this?" I looked over and saw him wearing a fedora. I laughed and walked over.

"I don't know. Can I get a tattoo?" He smiled and kissed me.

"Of course." He said, making his voice squeak. I smiled and kissed him, going back to where the girls were.

"Ok so what did you girls get?" They looked up at me and they each showed me their bags.

"Damn thats a lot is stuff. Ok anyways. Char!"


"Did you get your fedora?" He smiled and nodded.

"Ok...?" I pulled out my camera and started filming.

"Guys...I have THE weirdest boyfriend in the world!! He bought a fucking fedora!! Sorry kids...Don't EVER say that or else your grounded. Okay? Okay." Charles pulled out HIS camera and started filming.

"Guys...This is that cute dorky girl I was talking about. AKA my girlfriend!! Say hi babe!!"

"Hi babe!!"

"Ha.Ha. See she's SO funny. Note the sarcasm." I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Hi internet!! My name is Addisyn or Addi and Charles will put how you spell it in the description...and my channel is RulerOfAllJewels. No space and capital on every beginning letter."

"Shameless plug I see." I laughed and nodded.

"Yes. Very much. So as you can tell..." I took the camera and filmed myself.

"We are currently at the mall. Nothing broken yet...hm..."

"Uh-oh. Shes thinking of something."

"Uh-oh indeed my friends. Uh-oh indeed." I said as a smirk appeared on my face.

Was our forever meant to last forever?(a Creatures and We The Kings fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now