Chapter Twenty: A Thousand Treats and Scares

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Early update! Dedicated to Faiza for the beautiful cover to the side. the song to the side is very fitting the for Jessica and Reece's relationship, how Jessica is feeling, and well... Enjoy the chapter ;) xx

oh, and ignore weird mistakes and typos!

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Chapter Twenty: A Thousand Early Treats and Scares


I am a man of my word, ladies and gentleman, and this is why I currently sat on the couch with my eyes locked on three little bears trying to unlock their sister from a bedroom. I snickered as one of the bears fell from above the servant in order to get the key. Woman should’ve known it would take more than putting the key inside her shirt to stop three mischievous boys-turned-bears.


“Ew,” Chris commented, mirroring the look of one of the bears as their brother collided with the woman.


I smirked. “They’re peaking early,” I said. They were too young to be touching boobs.


“Reece,” came the warning voice of Mark, who was down the hall and in his room. I had somehow convinced him and Rebecca to go out for a night. I swear I could see the gray hair sprouting through Rebecca’s skull with how much she was overly stressing. Yes, Chris had appendicitis. Yes, he had surgery, but that was over a week ago, and judging by the amount of energy he’s regaining every day, he’s making great recovery.


“What’s he mean, Dad?” Chris shouted to him, looking genuinely confused. I laughed as Mark made no comment, and I leaned over to ruffle his angel blonde hair.


Mark came out then, slipping on a jacket as he gave me a look. “Don’t let Rebecca regret going out tonight. She needs a night to calm down.”


“Why is she so fussy? I’m doing fine,” Chris muttered without taking his gaze away from the tv. The moment the movie Brave begun and the characters talked in their Scottish accents, Chris was a fan.


“You know how she is, just worried and looking out for you,” Mark answered.


“Well, sue me for being a mother looking out for her child,” said Rebecca as she emerged from the bedroom. Even as she gave us concerned, reluctant looks, I knew she would enjoy the time out with her husband. Rebecca tended to stress excessively when unnecessary. What could possibly go wrong tonight, when three more DVD’s were laid out on the table in front of us, ready to be popped into the player for Chris’ enjoyment?


My enjoyment came from the incoming messages I was receiving from Darcy on Jessica’s phone. Jessica had apparently gave in to Darcy’s persistent begging on tagging along to the store where she needed to run some errands. Sylvia, according to Darcy, had gone to bed early after dinner, leaving the two girls to sneak out and be back without getting in trouble.


I don’t know if I’ve been rubbing off on them, or if this is just an act of rebellion sparked by the curiosity of life outside the orphanage. I’m sure the girls do get out from time to time, but Darcy’s been breaking out of her shell lately with an urge to be a bit more adventurous.

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