After a black smoke screen took out, Mani and I covered our mouths as coughing fits threw out. "Espeon go!" Mani coughed hard as her gorgeous lilac pokemon came out "Use psychic to get rid of the fog!" Mani tried shouting as a blue ligh surronded the thick black smog as it vanished like an abra teleporting to a different area. We boths gasped in unison seeing the two knocked out "return Lucario, you too Dragonite." Mani and I said in sync.
I walked up to reach Mani as she quickly turned as she stared into my hazel eyes "Great job you gotten alot stornger" I complanmented as she smiled "Thanks Athe, Your furret and Lucario are super powerful" Mani added swimping her silk braids behind her head. "Mhm" I said in return.
We stood up as Eevee jumped on top of my head. I smiled slightly "Hey Athena guess who is going to Unova with me but on a different ship?" Mani suddendly said as she revlead two tickets from her sleeve like a Kadbra using a magic trick. I gasped "MANI! HOW?" I squealed as I snatched the extra ticket that she revlead.
"You know" Mani commented as she twirled a sprang of her hair as it curled around her fingers. "We leave tonight in a hour..." Mani's smile quickly changed into a worried frown. I felt my palms getting sweaty, my heart thumping like a Machamp body slammed me. "Lets run... Now" I suggested "Good idea Athena!" Mani quickly replied as I snatched Eevee as we turned quickly rushing to the docks where we will seprate our ways but go to Unova.
"Why didn't you tell me eariler?" I popped up as we ran as Eevee loved the brezee aginst her chesnut fur. "Sprry last minute?" Mani replied in a unsure tone. I just wanted to face palm. But hope was still in my heart. "There it is up ahead!" Mani shouted. I squikned wheere my vison almost bleered. I ran faster as we turned not even saying goodbye.
"H-He-Here is the ticket" I panted as I showed a man with a red long sleeve with gold buttons and padding along the shoulders. He gave me a crazy look as he took the ticket "Room 359" the man said in a stern tone "Thanks!" I quickly said as My evee rested along my shoulders as I waved quickly abording the boat.
I ran what felt like a marathon "Im so out of shape" I panted, teasing my self as I saw my room "359" I whispered as I swiped my trainer card as I saw a lovely bed in the right top corner with comfy looking bed with a closet, a desk, kinda like a average room. I tossed my bag as I grabbed my other two pokeball's "Come on out and relax" I said soothingly as Lucario and furret came out smiling as they said there name.
After all my pokemon interacted we heard a rattling sound by the closet. I turned as the rattling kept getting louder. I slowly tipped-toed up to the closet as my pokemon followed slowly as I put a hand on the knob I slowly turned it seeing a man tied in the chair as he fell out.
Screaming in shock I looked at the body and one behold, it was Jet. "Really?!" I shouted in anger but shock. he was faling like a Magikarp learning to swim. "Help..." Jet puffed as he was struggling, I just backed away as I sat down watching his fails.
"Not funny!" Jet shouted flustered in anger, his face as red as a spearow's wing. I couldn't help but just laugh "No thanks" I chuckled as I placed my right hand over my mouth as my pokemon copied. "Athena seriously!" Jet screeched as he tried to free his arms.
I soon relised he wasn't kidding. The rope that was holding Jet oh-so tightly I gave up as I sighed as I walked over bending down to untie the knots but it was to hard. "Lucario can you do bonerush to untie the rope please?" I asked as Lucario nodded as he walked up putting his paws together where a light blue skinny human-like bone appread within his blaw paws as he jumped up. Jet closed his eyes biting his lip as a quick slice ran through the thight rope where then the bone disapeered.
"Oh god thanks!" Jet said as he moved his arms as we saw the tug marks on him. "Umm why where you in the closet?" I questioned as Lucario stood by me. "Oh thats easy I was heled hostage" Jet explained, faceplaming as I shook my head in a no motion. "How though?" asked full of curiosuty. "I'm being honest, my sister's bayleef got mad at me.." Jet said embrassed as he blushed as he placed his left hand to the back of his neck as he scratched his Jet black hair.
"Well anyway wanna battle?" Jet questioned, totally changing the subject I sghed "fine" I replied in a fkustered tone.
After we apporached a battle field apon the boat. Jet and I stood across the battle arena where other trainers and yet to be trainers watched upon us above where another floor on the huge boat or where we were cheering. "3 on three?" I asked Jet as he nodded as his straghit boring face titled. A broken smirk came upon his face as he brushed a strand of his sleek black hair that was infront of his face.
Jet then snatched one of his pokeballs a tiny golf pokeball enlarged to a normal size of a pokeball "Golem come out" Jet said tossing Golems pokeball like a pitcher as a big round cameo green pokemon with peach arms, legs and a head popped out. It stommped hard on the ground as it streched out shouting its name deeply.
"Furret your turn!" I shouted as I tossed Furrets pokeball up in mid air where the long peach and brown striped pokemon popped out. It cutley shouted its name as I glared at Jet as he copied me like a gengar using mean look.
Im SO SORRY THIS IS LATE part two will be up on thursday or friday! IM SO SORRY I hope you liked this chapter but its bad, I hope you like it :(