Partie 70/ Boston

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Be careful some remarks can shock the sensitivity of the youngest.

Scully had finally decided to go to the Boston Congress. The morning of departure she was anxious to leave Maggie for the next 2 days.

M: Scully, you should go and you'll end up missing your plane.

S: I do not want to go Mulder anymore.

Scully wore Maggie in her arms and hugged her.

M: Scully, you will not have time to get bored. Be reasonable. Mulder took Maggie from his arms.

S: I'm already bored of this little girl. She was stroking his hair.

William arrived in the living room.

William: Mom your taxi has arrived.

Scully turned to him with a small slack who did not want to go away. She kissed Maggie on the forehead.

S: Mom, come back quickly my angel. Be wise with dad. I love you.

Scully turned to William to hug him too, whispering in his ear: Keep an eye on your father!

William: Promised!

Mulder had dropped Maggie on her play mat to take Scully in her arms as well.

M: Call me when you arrive.

Scully kissed Mulder and left to take his taxi.

Scully was arriving at the big Boston hotel where the conference was being held. She registered her name at the front desk to receive the key to her room when Dr. Collins surprised her.

Colins: Hello Dana.

S: Hello.

Collins: I'm really glad you're here with us.

S: Thank you.

Collins: We have lunch together there is a conference in the afternoon only.

S: I'm going to settle in my room and finish some file for the FBI.

Collins: Agent Mulder is giving you some thread. You should take advantage of these two days to get a little FBI.

S: Agent Mulder is not the only one to give me a twist. Thank you for your concern James. But I really have to finish writing some files.

Collins: I would like to know more about Constable Dana Scully.

S: Another time can be.

Scully went to her room, she felt that what Debbie had told her about Collins was true.

Scully called Mulder by video.

M: How are you Scully.

S: I am finishing some file for you. How's it going with Maggie?

M: All right, I left it at the daycare after you left and I get it back tonight.

S: I can go home if it's complicated for you Mulder.

M: Scully everything is fine. How are you?

S: There is a conference this afternoon. The benefit dinner will be held tomorrow night. In the meantime I have to prepare a presentation to introduce our research department.

M: You'll be excellent I'm sure.

S: Call me when you get Maggie.

M: Promised. See you later

Scully was sitting in the room for the afternoon lecture. Collins had joined him to listen to her list. After the conference Scully spoke with some doctors she knew. His professional network was quite broad. His former life at the FBI and Quantico had led him to develop some good contacts. People respected her a lot for her knowledge.

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Scully was back in her room and talking with Mulder. She saw Maggie in the video and she was very pleased. Dr. Collins decided to invite him to dinner. He knocked at the door.

Scully opened thinking he was an employee of the hotel, while still talking to Mulder.

S: Ho James! Mulder must leave you I'll call you back later.

Collins: Sorry Dana, I did not want to bother you.

S: I was going to hang up.

Collins: Can I invite you to dinner?

Scully took the time to think.

S: Okay. Leave me a few minutes to change me I'll meet you at the reception.

Scully had put on a little less conventional clothes to go out for dinner. Black jeans with a purple blouse and high heels for landing has its small size. She joined Collins at the reception and went to the hotel restaurant.

Collins: Thank you for accepting my invitation. It's nice to see you more relaxed than at the hospital.

S: Is that a compliment?

Collins: Absolutely. I find you pretty Dana.

Scully was embarrassed and did not dare to look at him.

S: Why do not your wife come with you?

Collins: She does not really like this kind of event. My wife prefers to play golf and stay home.

S: What is she doing in life?

Collins: It was my assistant. And then we had 3 children and she stayed at home to take care of it.

S: I understand that raising 3 kids is a lot of work.

Collins: And you, Dana? How do you manage work, family and husband?

S: My son at 18 I do not have to worry about him anymore. He is a responsible young man. Mulder and I share the spots. Between our work and Maggie, we found a rhythm that suits us.

Collins: Yet I understand that Fox often travels on his business. Do you have to find that hard?

S: I worked with Mulder for the last 25 years, I know what it costs. But it's an exciting job and Mulder excels in what he does. I find it hard not to see him every day, but I know he is happy so his makes me happy.

Collins: You do not miss this life as an FBI agent.

S: Sometimes I think back. I sometimes have a bit of professional melancholy, but when I see everything I do at Quantico it makes me even happier.

Collins: And to see Fox working with other partners, it does not bother you.

S: Mulder trains young agents. He passes on what he knows best. I do not see the people he works with as partners. These are his pupils.

Collins: I heard all kinds of things about you and Fox. Your period at the FBI is a real novel.

S: Ha yes! Yet we only did our work.

Collins: I had sales that you did not always agree with his work methods and that he led the hard way. When we see you today, it seems crazy.

S: Crazy?

Collins Your relationship! Without wanting to be indiscreet or move, I never thought you'd end up marrying this man.

S: Yet it seemed obvious to me. You know James what is being told about me or Mulder does not interest me. My life today and the person I share it with is all I ever wanted.

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